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Why do you own a Corrado?

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Well I guess that I should really put my opinion in here too, seeing as I started the thread :D


Well my story goes back to 1995 when I test drove a new Storm and then bought a used Golf mk3 VR6 instead (oops!). I bought the Golf for several reasons, but mostly because my girlfriend (now wife) didn't like the Corrado shape. Over the years I sometimes saw Corrado's and kept thinking about buying one. I never did.


Gradually, as they faded from mainstream view I forgot about them. But a few years ago I saw a tatty one on the M25 and for a few days I just couldn't get them out of my mind. My circumstances had changed due to having kids and a large mortgage and gone were the days of buying newer cars. I had my 5 door Golf and that was the family car. There was little money to spend on upgrading it. The house was the priority.


But for relatively little money I realised I could afford a Corrado. After about a year searching I bought one.


Now I realise that not buying one in 1995 was a complete mistake. It feels so lovely to drive now that it must really have been tremendous back when new. Every time I go out for a drive it just feels special. The chufties help too. My head desperately asks why on earth I keep an old, rattly, expensive-to-keep-and-maintain car. But my heart can't bear to sell it.


Will it become a classic? I think it already is going that way. Will it ever be worth lots of money? No, probably not. Does it bring a smile to my face (most) times I drive it? Usually, yes. If it were a daily then I think the shortcomings would become too much. But as a weekend car I love it. It has also started to teach me how to maintain something mechanical. I may only be doing small jobs right now but I would never have considered working on my family daily.


There are other reasons I keep it too. It reminds me of the cars I had when I was young, free and single (maybe I'm having a midlife crisis!). My first car a mk1 Golf, my Scirocco GTX that I just loved to drive for the sake of it, my mk2 GTI 16v which was my first really good and expensive car, and then much later my TT's that I still love to this day. It also reminds me of the 90's which was such a good time for me. Anything that recaptures those years brings a smile to my face. And lastly, having given the rest of my life over to my wife, kids and my bank manager, the Corrado is my little piece of the world. My space.


I've still owned it less than a year and I can't believe how much I love it. I was genuinely surprised just how well it drove and how great it sounds at speed. I recently watched a procession of BMW's, Audi's, etc (usually white, usually diesel) on the motorway and most modern cars just bore me now. They have little excitement. But the Corrado feels like getting back to the roots of driving but still with a little comfort. Few people have anything but praise for the car too. One of the major plus points for me is that there are very few around. I like the fact it is rare even if it isn't worth a lot.


I don't know what the future will hold for my Corrado ownership. It's possible I may have to sell next year when we downsize house (no garage, etc). But I have at least owned one and that can never be taken away. But I do feel a little sadness that one day I may be one of those people saying "Nice car... I used to own a Corrado too". I will hold that day off as long as I possibly can.

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Funny really because I was adamant that no European car, in terms of looks, engine growl, power and just sheer attitude could ever live up to the bad ass, straight up prowess of American muscle cars. I looked for months and found that nothing came even remotely close to what I was after in terms of look and spec, it needed to fit my personality AND pocket, I also wanted something that was pretty rare which made the search even harder. I knew for certain that I definitely didn’t want a dull as f*ck modern car that’s for sure, despite the fact I knew it made sense economically - I drive motorbikes and love American muscle cars for Christ sake, so needed something that reflected that! It was by chance really I stumbled across a C in my local area and although it was stock and beat up looking, I saw potential in it. Potential that no other European car for the money could offer… Took me a few months to find a clean one, plus a few more to return some bits back to stock and get the car to a standard of that of a newish sports car / make some adaptations etc – But I did it. I found a European car that somehow manages to be a wild sexy beast, has the stance of raging bull, sounds like a V8, and has the power and handling of a modern sports car without busting a hole in my pocket.


Ten Ton

Edited by tentonhammer

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