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gutted, maybe another corrado going to the big scrapyard in the sky ;'-(

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They actually valued it while i was on the phone to them, the girl i was speaking too said they couldn't find a match to it in glasses guide, and then said she was looking on pistonheads website, luckily she was looking at some of the higher priced ones with lower miles.

Im picking up a screen on saturday so hopefully back on the road soon.

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I would probably repair my Corrado myself, as someone else might make bad repairs, cost me a fortune etc.

Buy the parts secondhand, and you'll be positively surprized of what it cost. Labour is more expensive, but if you sort it yourself it's a labour of love.

Anyway, if you chose to scrap it, before you do that, think of how to find another one in as good condition, service, lot's of small bit's and parts, lot's of your hours have gone into it. So it kind of sums up to:


Repair it yourself, and be lucky that the fat cow didn't drive her nasty ugly lowlife mudracer all over your roof = you're no injured ;)


Hope you solve it to your full satisfaction and good luck with that ;)





ps: one day when her misserably lieing life expells, she's going to answer for her doings. Whiplash my ar.. Everything you do, get's back to you in one way or another. Think positively. You're still alive despite her crap driving in her killermachine. And fortunately the police/ambulance men supported you in your standpoint. Not hers.

Edited by Redfox

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Just ordered a twin camera HD dash cam, has one camera built in to it and a tiny remote one to mount in the rear screen, so if it ever happens again at least I've got the evidence, just wish i had bought it before the crash.

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