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Just to let you guys and girls know 889 has driven off into the sunset today luckily to a forum member so it is still in the fold. Congrats to Matt (Jaded2882) for parting with his hard earned cash. I am glad it has gone to a very nice man and I'll still see her around at the shows. In the not to distant future my original will undergo a new lease of life and become what she deserves a full makeover and a weekender rather than a well used daily.

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Glad to hear another G60 owner relented and decided to buy a VR6! ;)


So is this the turbo one you've sold then Oz? Sorry to hear you parted with it but really glad for Jaded2882 - what a machine he's bought!!

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That didnt hang around! Nice to know its still in the Forum family :D

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Great news that the car has gone to a forum owner, just don't let sentiment let you put too much money into your other car no matter how much it means to you

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Is that a "come and offer you some hard earned cash Gareth". 303 isn't going to have lots spent I ain't going down that road but I would like her to look the part again


Great news that the car has gone to a forum owner, just don't let sentiment let you put too much money into your other car no matter how much it means to you

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ha ha, but seriously as I know only too well its easy to get carried away and invest huge amounts of time and money, just drive it and enjoy.

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Yep Jim Matt now owns the Turbo. He took some advice from Graham DG who has obviously looked after 889 during my ownership so he was well happy to go the extra mile. I cannot believe the interest I had with it on pistonheads; I wrote I expected it to be for sale for a while due to the price yet in the 4 days I had 3 genuine enquires. This am I got the local mafia to clean her 5 lads wipe her dry a lot quicker than me they were all over the car and leaving I had to give them a fly by with dump valve blowing off as I passed them, at that point I was going to phone Matt and say don't bother but my great loss has been his gain, I hope it serves him well


Glad to hear another G60 owner relented and decided to buy a VR6!


So is this the turbo one you've sold then Oz? Sorry to hear you parted with it but really glad for Jaded2882 - what a machine he's bought!!

Edited by ozowen

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Glad to hear another G60 owner relented and decided to buy a VR6! ;)


Not quite right, I decided a normal VR would be a step backwards after owning such a fine machine as a G60 :)


Only joking, I do love that sound, and the turbo kicking in makes it all the more musical! I honestly will miss the G60 though.

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:( Sad times Oz, but needs must! You're a lucky guy though- another Rado as back up and Octy vRS as a daily! 8)

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Alright Andy,

Long time no speak. I always had 889 as a toy, 303 has always been my original and I have gone through the trials and tridulations with 303 so she is very much part of me and 889 was the "icing on the cake" but as we all know you would have to be very rich to afford 2 corrado's; because so much love and attention is required. So one had to be sacrificed and as most will testify I have always said 303 was my first love as much as 889 opened my eyes that love affairs although wrong can be ok as long as no-one knows...................so it's time to show 303 how much she means to me.............by the way VRs is now the wifes daily even though it was my present!!!!!!



:( Sad times Oz, but needs must! You're a lucky guy though- another Rado as back up and Octy vRS as a daily! 8)

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Ah! Another VRS owner.. we're starting to breed! I just got one a month ago and I'm loving it! You go for the petrol or diesel?

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Ah! Another VRS owner.. we're starting to breed! I just got one a month ago and I'm loving it! You go for the petrol or diesel?



I bought mine new in 2003 VRS petrol 0% and only £13000, what bargain; that said roughly a £1000 a loss each year................889 sounds comparible now. I wish I was not so attached to my cars then selling or getting rid might be easy but the VRS has been the outstanding buy...............what a car; it does everthing so easily and I have always said if the po po got me it would be in this car as ton up is sooooooo easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How's the train journey going, hope you are not going to kick up a 'STORM' and make people 'GREEN' with envy !!!!!!!!

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