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Boost readings on MFA

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I've just tried the method of using the MFA to measure the boost from the charger, but the results don't add up. Firstly the idle reading is 245-250, instead of 450-470, and secondly the peak figure reached at 5800rpm in second, third and fourth is 916. What does this mean? any ideas?


Also a question about my heater - The heater works well normally but if I drive fast/at high rpms for a period of time the heating goes cold, it then warms up again when I drive slowly again. Why is this? does it mean that the thermostat is not working properly and is is not opening until the engine is really hot, meaning that is not enough coolant in the system, or does it mean that I have an airlock somewhere?


Lastly I've still struggling to find the cause of a knocking noise that I get when cornering. Peopel have suggested wheel bearing, CV joints and driveshaft.


I said before that I have looked underneath and also a garage has looked at the car. I and they could not find any play in any part of the dirvetrain. (other than a little bit of movement in the o/s half of the diff). The wheels have no play when jacked up. There is no knocking noise heard when spinning the wheels on full lock when jacked up. I' taken off the cv gaiters to check if the joints were dry, they had plenty of grease inside. The noise only happens above 30mph, but is most audible above 45mph coasting with the cllutch pressed in. Any ideas anyone, anything else I should explore before I take it to another garage or even worse the stealer for another opinion.



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I tried to use the MFA to measure boost but could never make head nor tail of it. I'd get a boost guage you can pick them up fairly cheap and they are easy to install. I got one as it seems easier than going thru the MFA tricks every time you start.

Not really an answer more of a solution.

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