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Mis-Firing Intermittently

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I have an intermittent problem that rears it's head from time to time - This morning has to have been the worst case...


One minute the car's driving beautifully, it's quick on the gas, smooth, and kicking butt. Next minute the car will begin to mis-fire when I put my foot on the gas? The result is 3-4 second delay on the accelerator followed by sudden "catch" as the engine returns to normal. It'll do this for about 10 - 15 minutes then out of no-where, it'll return to normal.




Carbon build up on spark plugs / mixture issue maybe? (Thanks Nick & Pete for the friendly banter last week! Will def be checking this out)


Blocked CAT / exhaust issue - Sounds like the car's choking when it mis-fires. Sometimes if I give it enough gas and get the revs right up it sorts the problem, not always though.


Oil in the distributor perhaps?


C 92' 16V 2.0 (9A)

Edited by tentonhammer

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It could be an electrical problem... like HT leads? I was having a number of misfire issues with mine, especially from cold and it only running on 3 cylinders and when I took the leads out, one of them basically fell apart in my hands! Replaced them and, unsurprisingly, it was fine again!

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It could be an electrical problem... like HT leads? I was having a number of misfire issues with mine, especially from cold and it only running on 3 cylinders and when I took the leads out, one of them basically fell apart in my hands! Replaced them and, unsurprisingly, it was fine again!


Good point thanks, I hadn't considered these. I've got new plugs going in anyway so will give HT leads the once over

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