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Borbet C's

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They've stopped making them :(


I got a small dent in one of my Borbet C's (8.5 x 17) (odd place to put a cobble :?) and was thinking of replacing it since they are only £129.50 on borbet.co.uk, but it seems Borbet have stopped making them.


Anyone got one lying about? Long shot I know...


Could get it refurbed I suppose, but that's about 50 quid innit?

Any recommended alloys specialists in the Bristol/Bath area, or is a definite "send off" solution?




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Cheers but had a quick look earlier when I was told they were discontinued - they're not on there :cry:

Crazy I reckon cause they're gorgeous wheels...

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Borbet finished production of the C over a year ago... :(


As long as the wheel isn't buckled on any of the spokes (the C's are a sod for it, that's why I've got 6 of 'em!) then it'll refurbish really well... only problem being that you'll probably have to get all 4 done so that they match... :|


As Phat says, the guys at the German site are pretty good, although I know that they haven't got any 16" C's in any 4x100 fitments left, they may have a 17" kicking about somewhere...


It may also be worth giving Scotford (the official Borbet importers) a call to see if they've got one kicking about in their warehouse...


If neither of them pull off, it's a case of keeping an eye on Ebay... :?


Good luck! 8)

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Hmmmm, bummer.

Don't think it's buckled so maybe a refurb then.

Know of anywhere I can drive to, get it done, and drive off? Most places on the web seem to be a "send off" and wait type affair...


It was Scotford who told me the wheels are discontinued, although they have told me to get the exact model number off them so they can see if there's a spare one in Germany anywhere.

Shame since I just got some new badges off them aswell...


Cheers again,


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To do a wheel re-furb takes more than a day in most cases...


The guy who's just done all 6 of mine said he could do it in about 48 hours for all 6 (until his sandblaster broke! :roll: )


It's quite an involved process 'cos you need to blast it back to metal, sand it down, fill any dents/curb damage, smooth that off and re-shape it, then powdercoat it with the basecoat colour and bake it, then laquer and bake it (depending on how many coats of powdercoat you're having, mine had 6, 3 base, 3 laquer)


How bad is the dent?

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Hmmm, the dent isn't too bad, it's just annoying me so I want to get it sorted one way or the other.

Can you recommend anyone for a good refurb job then?




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I used Top Marques in Stoke on Trent 'cos a mate who's a mechanic recommended them and they're pretty local to where I live... He normally charges £45 per wheel, but he does do a lovely job... 8)

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