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Cat VR6

Sunroof leak - not blocked drains???

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Hi Guys,


Having a bit of a nightmare with a leaking sunroof... I've recently had the headliner relined and while it was out I decided to have a look at my sunroof to see why it wouldn't open. I've then re-installed it deciding now's not the time to fix it as I've more important things to spend the money on...it's a corrado after all!! Then before I've had chance to refit the headlining I've been getting little puddles of water in mine and my passengers laps when braking or cornering sharply. The water seems to be spilling over the 'drip tray' in the corners at the front.


Having read other posts about leaking sunroofs I've disconnected the front drains and poured some water down which just runs nicely out the bottom of the car as it should so I don't think blocked drains are the problem. I'm also sure its nothing to do with the aerial as given the headliner is out I would be able to see.


I know the seal to the outside of the car is not supposed to completely prevent water coming in but could it be that now I have disturbed the position of the sunroof too much water is getting in? The seal is quite old and tired.. I'm absolutely scratching my head with this one... I never noticed any leaks before and figure I would have seen water damage on the reverse side of the headliner if the problem was there before? Anyone seen this problem before? I can't see many other answers anywhere.. :(




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This happened to me as well. All I can say is make sure the smaller roof lining is pushed forward, but also check the sunroof is seated with an even seal. When I re-fitted the sunroof panel, I moved it slightly further to the back of the car. That extra couple of mm seemed to make all the difference on water ingress and wind noise.

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mine was leaking bad but now its stopped, previous to that leak my car hadnt seen rain for like 5 months ! and my sun roof gutter and drain are sound as i removed them for spraying, only thing i can think of is maybe the seal needed to swell up for a better fit ? just weird how it all of a sudden stopped leaking.

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