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Storage of bodywork parts...

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Guys, due to some unexpected expenses (partially brought to me by my lovely car) I will not be able to swap/paint two front wings on my car this year. It is going to have to wait till spring of 2013. Now here come my problem...


These two wings I have are in few places sanded down to bare metal. Since acquiring them they were stored in my living room (which caused a lot of drama between me and my girlfriend). There is virtually no rust on them at all, maybe tiny little spots here and there, but can sand it down easily. Thing is I was very politely asked (guess by who) to put them in garage instead! No heating there and a lot of damp. I am terrified that the moment I will put them in garage these will start to rust!


What is out there I can quickly and cheaply do, to stop them from rusting once stored for next few months? Is there any product I can buy to apply some sort of protective layer? Would I have to prime them first. I am looking at the quickest and cheapest solution so it will keep them secure for next few months and then some professional hands can do their magic on them. Remember there are few spots of bare metal on them - so something need to be done to protect it. I just do not want to ruin perfectly fine front wings in my possession.


Thanks for help

Edited by guildmage

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i heard once that hair spray works as a protective layer on brake lines and such like.


maybe ask the missus if you can borrow hers lol.

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would a coat of WD40 or even vasoline not work as a quick fix if its just for storage?


otherwise if you want to buy something then this type of thing:


THIS would be my best guess..


other option would be a rattle can of primer and any paint to coat if they're going to be properly painted at a later date anyway.


please bear in mind i have no idea what im talking about and will not be held accountable in any way if any suggestion goes wrong :lol:

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I'm still in a limbo state and not sure what to do. I do not want to buy any more products. Could try the WD40 route... Just need to protect it quickly, package it well so to that it can hibernate over winter.


What was your first thought Wendy, come on, no secrets here :) Hope it is not the thought of leaving the wings in living room, and store my girlfriend in the garage ! Somehow I know this would not go well ^^

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What was your first thought Wendy, come on, no secrets here :) Hope it is not the thought of leaving the wings in living room, and store my girlfriend in the garage ! Somehow I know this would not go well ^^


OMG - that's so tame !!!! :-)

I was up for ditching the girlfriend completely !!!! I am Sorry, but that really was my first thought from reading your thread. :lol:


Having thought about this more during the day - how do you think making them into 'Wall Art' would go down ?


What about enquiring with your local bodyshop about how to store them ?

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WD40 and cling film never fails ... Also super good for restoring the gloss shine to black bumpers etc.. Soaking wet with WD then cling film all round and upside down.


Bones 💀

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yea idd be careful about drowning it in wd-40 or any other oil/lubricant as it may cause problems when it comes to paint time, so for that reason i would steer clear of that method, if it was me idd just throw any metal paint on the bare metal and call it a day, its getting re painted right? so its gona all get sanded back and re finished anyway

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WD tried and tested ?? Never had a problem ... Chemically WD runs off overtime anyway and ultimately it's only being used as a stop ..essentially is over 50% solvent in any case.

Plenty good enough for missile production 🙊


The panels are going to be stripped and prepared in the end imho I've never had a problem spraying a panel afterwards.


Just my experience no big E



Edited by Vw.bones

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If it were me I'd wrap them in multiple layers of plastic and make sure there was an airtight seal.

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