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Intermittant Central Locking Fault

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I have an odd central locking fault and having searched can't find any obvious answers...


Doors are de-locked (Passat rear handles and mechs fitted several years ago and worked fine until six months ago). Viper alarm fitted again not had any problems (apart from the ridiculous proximity sensor which activated every time it rained...proximity sensor subsequently removed).


When I lock the car the boot and both doors lock fine, pump does not overrun (which I assume proves the vac lines?). But occasionally when returning to the car the drivers door is unlocked (the pin is up), although the alarm is still armed.


I have hung around the car for a while waiting to see whether the lock will pop up while I am there, but I never have the patience to wait longer than a minute or two, never seen it actually unlock itself.


Since this is only effecting the driver's door the I assume the fault probably lies with the actuator in the door...has anybody experienced this who can either confirm my diagnosis (it does not look like an easy thing to change) or point me in the right direction?



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Something similar happened to me when the door handle was changed - the old locking cable has to be clipped back into place properly, otherwise the window catches it and mangles the wires together. Mine would randomly lock as I drove around, confusing! Doublecheck the leftover cable that used to plug into the door handle cable, just in case.



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Checked that and as far as I can tell the wires are still neatly out of the way.


Interestingly after giving the mechanism a good drowning in WD40 followed by PTFE based grease it hasn't played up since...I expect now that I have said that, next time I go to the car it will have unlocked itself again!

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