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V5 doc help!

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Hi all,


Think ive fooked up...


Ive scrapped a car i was given as it wasnt worth repairing etc. Well sold it, so the buyer can then scrap it.


So searched scrap my car on google and got a place to come take it away. They will be scrapping it, but ive technically sold the car to them.


When the guys turned up it wasnt a flat bed and just a transit pick up with a tow bar to take the car away. Now, i filled out the yellow part of the V5 to say id sold it to a motor trader, but ive made the error of giving them the yellow section and keeping the rest of the V5. I now believe i should have given them the v5 and kept the yellow section.


My worry is they wont send off the yellow section, they may and i hope they do, but then they may not.


So what can i do if in 4 weeks time i dont get a letter statin transfer of ownership - obviously ring the DVLA. But i dont want to be still down as the registered keeper when they have the car and its scrapped, by them.

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The important bit is that DID get a receipt for selling it and its signed by both you and the buyer with date of sale. The V5 can be sorted. Thats not proof of ownership, just who is the keeper. Can't you contact the buyer to check things out???


The sale receipt proves you can't be driving it or committing offenses.


My friend had a bad do 30 years ago. Sold his car, it ran over and killed a girl at at funfair the following day. The police came to him but once the sale receipt was produced, they left to find the new owner.



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Thats it i didnt get a receipt. :-/


Ill try contact the guy again. See if he can return the yellow bit and i'll send him the v5.


So with out a receipt i'll be truely fooked if something does happen. The car isnt able to be driven as it had 4 flat tyres and it wouldnt start. So no issue with it being driven, but there is if something else happens.


Just contacted the guy and said he'd post it back and id send him the V5.... whether he will or not is another question.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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Technically, you haven't sold it and you are still the owner. Or maybe not if you bought it without a receipt previously.


Passed on my old Mk2 Scirocco after 16 years recently. Gave it away but still got the friend's son to sign a bill of sale and pay £1 for it.


Arso, it wasn't the purple VR6 I saw in Congleton yesterday afternoon on the back of a low loader going to Stoke while out in my C..



Edited by RW1

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So what can i do without a receipt, without the yellow part of the v5, but still have the V5.


Assuming this bloke doesnt send me back the yellow part of the v5?

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Give it a week for him to come back and then ring the DVLA and ask their advice, unless their website has a Q&A section with it listed.



I'll add, given the state of the Corrado, not to get tooooo worried. At least its not mobile like my friends Austin 1300 was.



Edited by RW1

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Yeah i'll see how it goes, i could be worrying about nothing and i could get the yellow slip through my door and i can send it off. But im not counting on it being returned.


Suppose my error is a) not getting a receipt and b) giving them the wrong slip. My fault completely, but in regards to the slip i didnt know it was me who was to keep the slip.


Cheers RW1.


Btw its not the corrado incase you were wondering :) its just a Volvo. :lol:

Edited by Critical_Mass

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That says it all then, its going nowhere.


Well I wonder whose's purple Vr6 it was ... E333 ***



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Well the plot thickens RW1.


Contacted the place these guys were apparently from and the guy on the other end of the phone said its nothing to do with them and he was aware of people going round collecting cars for scrap and saying they were from his scrap dealers.


So, contacted DVLA and explained the situation and they said simply right a letter explaining the situation and they will take me off as the current keeper. Didnt realise it was going to be so simple.


Going to go to the police station tonight just to inform them as to whats gone on and get any advice - this is to mainly cover myself.

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