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Speakers - JL Audio C3-650's - opinions?

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I'm struggling to find reviews so any opinions appreciated. Are they worth the money over Alpine SPR 60's? Thanks.


EDIT: Reason for asking is he Alpines are approx £100 which is the sort of budget I was ideally looking at but the JL's are significantly reduced to £160 which is a little above my budget.

Edited by Portent

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I used to run the smaller ones in my old M3 and they were fantastic driven with a JL amp...

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My personal opinion (and I believe speakers are a very personal thing) is that JL make brilliant subs and amps but their speakers have really gone downhill the last few years. I had a set of 6.5 ZRs that I absolutely loved but the more recent JLs I've heard, especially the lower end of their range, have been disappointing. If you can I would have a listen to both and see which ones sound better to your ears :)

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Thanks Jamie. They arrived to day so I'll try them out and if I'm disappointed then they can be returned if I'm careful with them. However I suspect that while they may not be up to scratch for similar priced speakers when they were full price, they have been massively discounted so should be a lot better than the alternatives I was considering at the current price point.

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