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rado mc

Rear panels/sills removal hints?

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Not much left of my donor car now and approaching the stage of removing the rear quarter panels, sills and back panels etc off the car for both use on my own car for others members on here in need.

I presume some will have experience of this on here, if so any tips are very much appreciated such as were would you cut up to over the top of the quarter window and things.

Is the window pillars worth taking off or leave these to be wieghed in or any other obscure parts?


Obviously i need to cut on or near the original weld areas but is there a rule to follow to which side of the weld for best results so cutting one doesn't ruin another or is that inevitable.

Just so they can be user friendly for future use and that i don't make a complate hash of it all?

Also tools wise whats best, gas axe, stihl saw or anything else etc?


Apologies for all questions, just not done this kinda thing before.




Edited by rado mc

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Just cut to the waste side of the weld, outer and inner sills are useful if theyre good. and rear arch sections for those interested in doing less serious repairs lol.


I would just use a slitting disc.


Hope this helps.

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