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New Radiator - Now Oil Pressure Light And Buzzer On...

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Ok just finished putting the radiator in my car and now I'be got the oil pressure light and buzzer on - what have I done??? I put a new pressure switch in last week to cure an oil leak and it was fine but could it be as simple as a duff switch?


Also, since I've put it all back together every time I switch off the ignition the clock goes out and back to 0:00 and the trip goes to 0.0.


It's got to be a disturbed loom somewhere surely? I did spill a bit of water over near the battery (well quite a bit actually) when I was filling the rad but I mopped it all up as best I could - could this be causing it?

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Check fuses 16 and 21...


I'd get a load of WD40 over the battery - if you did soak it i'd take it out and dry / re-wax the battery try as they are a rust spot!

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Nice one cheers SC. I'll check in the morning and have a bit more of a tidy up thanks mate :)

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Sorted - fuse 21 blown, wire to sender was damaged - new terminal and away we go :)


Cheers Supercharged

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