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Warning bleep

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When cornering hard around islands in my 8v there is a short sharp bleep warning noise coming from the dash-it generally only happens once and only when going quite fast and there are no warnng lights or other noises. Anyone got any ideas on what it might be?

Missus thinks it's a "driving like a tw@t alarm!"

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Low oil pressure, probably caused by low oil level. Reason you get it when cornering hard on islands is the oil pick is on the offside (was on my old 1.8 16V) and what oil is left in the sump will surge to the nearside leaving the oil pickup uncovered, picking up air. If the car is serviced properly and regularly and the oil is very low there is probably an oil leak somewhere. Do you park it regularly in the same spot and is there oil on the floor? It could also be an internal oil leak, at about 120000 my old valver was using oil as the valve guide oil seals had gone. At first you just noticed it burning a bit of oil when started after standing over night. As Supercharged said do not drive it until you've topped up or fixed whatever the issue is as when it is beeping the big end bearings, camshaft etc will not be lubricated properly increasing the wear of these components. After topping up the oil regularly check the oil level to see if you are loosing any. Let us know what you find.

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Thanks for the replies

Topped it up as it wasn't even registering on the dipstick and will keep an eye on it as no obvious leaks.

I've read a bit on google that suggests the 2e 8v engine has a reputaion for burning oil? Anyone on here found this to be true?

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  stuarttaylor37 said:
Thanks for the replies

Topped it up as it wasn't even registering on the dipstick and will keep an eye on it as no obvious leaks.

I've read a bit on google that suggests the 2e 8v engine has a reputaion for burning oil? Anyone on here found this to be true?


It shouldn't do no... VW 8v's have a reputation for hardly using a drop! What oil are you using??


If its lost that much then i'd check the sump plug etc isn't leaking - maybe lay some paper under the car?

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I've topped using a semi synthetic 10-40. I don't know what was in it from when I bought it.

I'll try putting cardboard on the drive but as I say there's no obvious staining on my drive or the car park at work so I don't expect to see any marks.

It doesn't smoke on start up or when accelerating or overrun so I'm a bit stumped

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How long have you had it? Change the oil and keep an eye on it...


If it's high mileage it could be that start of valve stem seals etc

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Had it about 6 months/4000miles (ashamed to say I've never checked the oil level in that time)

Cars only done 72,000

I'll get it serviced and see what happens

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Have you checked the engine coolant? If the head gasket has gone then oil could be leaking into the cooling system. I have had 4 VWs with 1.8 8V and 16V. The 2 8vs never needed any oil. The latter 16V started using oil at about 120000 as the valve guide oil seals started to fail.

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Yes I checked the coolant-no oil there at all

I had a golf mark 3 1.8 8v before and that never used any oil even at 130,000, that's why I was complacent on checking this one

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