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central locking

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Hi, ive just bought my first corrado and it didnt come with remote central locking, just wondering what i need to install a full set from another car if possible?

key fob




also im after a few parts if anyone breaking a corrado?


cheers Aled

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None came with remote central locking, however I think they all have central locking on the key?


Most of these cars have an aftermarket alarm which plugs into the C/L which gives you remote central locking on the alarm fob. You can also get it to operate the full closure.

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Hi Tony thanks for the reply!


Ahh right yeah mine central locks, just assumed they came with remote, all mine has got is a immobiliser, ill look into an after market alarm then.

can you recommend a good corrado breaker on this forum? and where i can get new parts too? after a lot of stuff!

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Have a look in the breaking section - there are three or four active threads in there. All seem to be by regular forum members, and I've met PurpleTom before so can vouch for him!


For new parts, it depends what you need. Service items can be got from VW or sites like AVS (http://www.vwspares.co.uk) do good, sometimes OEM quality parts. Quite a lot of other stuff is obsolete now, but still, try VW in the first instance (make sure you're sitting down when they give you the prices) or VW classic parts (http://www.volkswagen-classic-parts.de). GSF and Eurocarparts are okay for branded stuff, but beware of anything else.


Otherwise, keep an eye on the classifieds on here, or last resort... eBay!

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