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Heater slow/weak on highest setting

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Now I'm starting to need to demist the windscreen, I'm finding out how crap the heater is. It seems to be wheezing out a little bit of air, so takes forever.


All knobs work, 1 through 4 all are different speeds, but even 4 is weak. Is there anything to do?

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Hello there, it's not a bad job to be honest.


Have a look at this link below it should help you.


Make sure you look at the link as well that DRAGON GREEN had attached in the thread link below.

Removal is as SUPERCHARGED has said in the attached link below as well.




Hope this helps.



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Thanks for the link.


How do I know mine is crap, or if the replacement will be the same? air comes out, and it does warm the car up, but it just seems slow.

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The square plug attached to the base of the fan motor there's a resistor,

5 pin plug this gives you your four different speeds,

when these resistors wear out the fan will only work on switch speed 3 or 4,

or it can just be speed 4 that just works.

This is because speeds 1, 2 and 3 are used almost every day,

but speed 4 is normally used a lot less so is the last one to go,

and there's more wear in the fan switch contact over the first 3 speeds.


In your case you've said you have still got all four switch speeds working,

so it'll be a weak motor or in very rare cases the resistor still works on all 4 speeds,

but isn't quite letting enough resistance through to the motor,

hence, making it spin at a slower rate, but like I say this is rare the resistors mostly burn out,

leaving you with just one switch speed to use or it dies and you have no fan at all.


I had an issue on mine where the fan would work for a bit then the speed would slow down,

and then the fan would stop dead in it's tracks,

what I did was check for power to the resistor this will be the 1.5mm red wire,

then in turn check each switch speed at the resistor and fan switch,

in the end I traced my fault to the fan switch contacts,

the contacts do get very hot and so can be come scarred,

so as long as the contact is not pitted which in my case it wasn't,

I was able to clean it up.


Your going to have to test all three areas to be sure,


1) the fan switch.


2) the fan resistor unit.


3) the fan motor.


I'd say your issue is the fan motor or the resistor.



Hope this helps.



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speed 4 is essentially just direct 12V power to the fan, the other speeds just put a big resistor of varying resistance in series so dropping the power, if you remove your current fan and simply put two wires straight from your battery to it's power connectors you will get full power from the fan, hold it firmly as it's a powerful motor and gives quite a kick of torque.

If your motor is shot it will spin but not blast air at you, one of mine went in pretty much the same way.

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Nice idea, I can try that. But that still won't tell me if my fan is on its way out or not. Suppose the only way is to compare with other Corrados.

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  sam2.0 said:
Nice idea, I can try that. But that still won't tell me if my fan is on its way out or not. Suppose the only way is to compare with other Corrados.

a fully working motor will really blast air out, if some of the windings have gone, which I suspect yours has, you'll just get a gentle breeze :) and it probably won't sound smooth either.

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in fact first just remove the passenger parcel shelf, pull the tab on the rim of the motor housing down a little so you can twist and remove the motor, then holding the motor tightly but still connected to the loom turn the ignition and fan switch on to full, if the fan doesn't blow really hard then try it direct to your battery to rule out the switchgear/contacts etc, they'll always be a little voltage drop through the loom and switch but not enough to really slow the fan at all.

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