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another failed attempt to fit my Carbon Bonnet

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I have threaded holes (about 7mm) in my carbon bonnet to mount the to the car. The only problem is the old bonnet has threaded lugs and nuts not bolts that hold it to the car. What do I do now??

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Would it not be as simple as sourcing four bolts that screw into the threaded holes in the bonnet. I'd take a guess at the holes being M8, try an M8 bolt in the hole and make sure it's not too long by screwing it the whole way in. If you can still see threads when it's fully screwed in, it's too long. It'll be a two man job to fit the bonnet in any case, one at either side to hold it in place while you screw the bolts in. I've fitted plenty of bonnets that were held on with bolts through the hinges as opposed to studs and nuts.

Edited by leon263

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Yep as above, I chopped some bolts down for mine, managed to do it on my own with a bit of care as they're so light.

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Yep as above, I chopped some bolts down for mine, managed to do it on my own with a bit of care as they're so light.


M8 will do thanks

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