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Weird door lock problem. When will it end !?!

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Right, last night i followed everyones fantastic advice on here and changed all my rear brake pads discs and bearings, all went fine, happy days, drove to work lovely, then i finish work press my alarm fob to unlock the doors and try to get in but the handle is stuck, its stuck before but never like this, so i give it some muscle and still nothing, have to climb in from the passenger side in front of everyone at work (everyone at work who mock me for driving classic cars so i cant wait for the mickey taking on monday:bad-words:) so i get home and climb out again and i still cant get it to flipping unlock. It does the same thing with either the key in the door or on the remote fob, you unlock and the pin pops up a cm then slowly slides back down. When your sat in the car its impossible to pull the pin up to get out.


What the hell is going on!?! I just want to drive my flipping car !!!!:mad::mad::bad-words:


Any advice would be appreciated



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oh my god if that works you are a life saver !!


went out to the car this morning and the flipping passenger side is doing it now !! i'll have to go in throught the boot

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I had a similar problem after replacing a door. Seemed like it was dead bolted. Couldn't open with the keys or the fob. I think there was some sort of issue with the wiring to the door handle. Solved by taking out the under dash tray to get at the wiring by the fuse box and unplugged this connector(bit of a pain with all the doors closed lying upside down in the the foot well! ). There are 2 flat connectors above the fuse box that go through the body to the door. If I recall it's a 3 pin. As soon as this was disconnected fob worked fine.

Hope you get it fixed

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Well I'm back in finally. But it wasn't plain sailing.


Managed to pop the drivers side open fine a week ago so i could get about but i did break the top trim piece which i am massively gutted about as my interior was pretty mint and now thats staring me in the face making me want to punch my own face.


But the passenger side had me scratching my head for ages, I did the same thing as the passenger side and was sure i had popped the mechanism up like your supposed to but the handle was still locked solid, i tried and tried, lost a door pin rod (more rage inducing)and then last night trying again i just looked at it for ages double checking everything was where it should be to unlock, and tried the handle, still locked solid, at which point i lost it a bit and started trying to force the handle and jiggle it like a mad man . . . . which worked.


turns out the handle must be broken in some way because once you catch the handle right it pops open fine. But if its not in its sweet spot you cant shift it at all. I took the handle out and greased everything up but it stil does the same thing. My mrs is not going to enjoy being stood in the rain with me sat in the car screaming "jiggle it !!! YOUR NOT DOING IT RIGHT !!"


So all in all I'm a bit gutted. Yes I'm back in the car but the bits that I've broken/lost have annoyed me so much (and nobody else understands why im so annoyed about a piece of trim)and I'm not even sure why they did it so theres a chance it might happen again, and the passenger door handle has decided to become a royal pain in my arse.


thanks everyone for your help tho especially that link from Wullie, i couldn't have done it without that.


One plus point tho was i found that it has already got daves16v door kit thingy installed

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  feeenix14 said:
...and nobody else understands why im so annoyed about a piece of trim...


It's like AA in here :hic: , we all share your pain and understand your feelings :|

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