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Corrado broken into parts needed please help.

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Hi all some idiot broke into my car yesterday so I'm now looking for some parts or knowledge of where to purchase. I need front drivers side window glass and drivers side door handle whole item barrel repair kit if these are available.

Any help is apreshiated


Also will I be able to keep my original key?


Thanks joe

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If the barrel's undamaged you can swap out the brass wafers and their tiny springs to recode them to any key. If it is damaged (which it sounds like it may well be) then any barrel will fit, just need to recode it. If you (carefully!) dismantle the door handle of the opposite side and remove the barrel, you'll be able to take out the wafers one at a time to look at the numbers stamped into them - should be labelled 1-5, and I think there are 7 of them if memory serves. You can only buy the wafers in huge quantities from VW though, so you may have to ask around to find a set that matches. Note: you don't need a wafer in every position, provided you don't mind sacrificing however much security. If there's only one you can't find, or don't have enough of, it'll be fine :) Alternatively do it by elimination - fit the codes 1-5 in each position one at a time, test-fitting the key after each - the correct one for each position is where the wafer lines up perfectly smooth with the side of the barrel.


Window glass is easy enough to replace - remove the door card and you should see the two fastening bolts through clearance holes in the inner door skin. Get as much of the broken glass as you can out, and be very careful removing the scraper seals as if you flex them they'll either bend or snap. Front edge of the new glass goes in first, then you can rotate the back into alignment and hook it onto the rear rail. Drop the window mech, line up the two bolts with the holes and do them up finger tight, then raise the window, make final adjustments to fit and do them up fully.


Shame they knackered your handle if they were going to smash the window anyway, though :(



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Where are you dude. I have the glass and its yours for nothing if you want?


location s72

Good man Chris I would have offered mine from my breaker but easypops got to it first :thumbleft:

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I would love to mate but too much to do with the car and want to take my time to do it right.It may be next year before the R re-appears I have bought something else to play with in the meantime "Keep watching" :)

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Where are you dude. I have the glass and its yours for nothing if you want?


location s72


I'm in Hertfordshire mate might be a bit out the way.


Stonejag thanks for the insight.

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Since you're nearby, I've got a bag of spare wafers somewhere if you want to dig through them? Can probably find a few that match...might even have a spare cylinder but I'd hav e to look.


£15 for the window glass that I was saving for a rainy day?



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Had a look - no spare lock cylinder, I'm afraid - must have binned it as I've had a couple on replacement handles that were solid rust! I have got a few wafers though, which you're welcome to.

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Thanks for all the help. I've had some luck with eteck in sawston near Cambridge vw and Audi specialist their currently breaking about 5 corrados got window glass and handle at a good price.

And the person who tried to smash the lock was so bad at it I salvaged all the original wafers.


Corrado forum saved the day again! Thanks.

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