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Dropped valve?

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So first it was dizzy slip, then came the top hose rupture followed by water pump failure and finally timing issues again.

All seemed peachy and with new KR cam fitted I started to make my way to Birmingham to celebrate new year with friends, after about 60 miles of steady motorway driving I decided to make my way past a couple of centre laners only to find that reaching 73* (ish) mph I got some shudder through steering, decided it could be something new like a bearing so backed off and steadily made way back up to speed only to have same happen again.

I pulled off at next junction (arse end of nowhere!) and at end of slip car stalled, I restarted and went to pull away with car now sounding very wrong and really struggling. Limped to pub (which was closed) car park and popped bonnet.

Vibration had shook loose the dizzy which I thought was the problem so restarted and oh sweet christ!!!

Decided at that point to call AA out, he arrived after an hour and we went through timing sequence and confirmed perfect (so glad as first time I've set myself) and got me to turn over, imediately shouted to stop.

Said I've got zero compression and possibly dropped a valve.


Now, my question is, are there any collets or the like to prevent a valve falling in completely or am I looking at a lot of work?


I'm planning to strip back and remove head on Saturday but would appreciate any heads up on what to look for (I have a spare head luckily as AA bloke said that its probs stuffed)

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