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what's the best and where to get G60 apex seals from,also what they call klubergrease

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Hi all I have been doing some research into getting the necessary parts for rebuilding my g60 charger I have sourced most off the bearing's and seal's apart from the torrington 10-6879 A which Im going to try and match up tommorow.


Basically there are different opinions on what apex seals to use, secondly what is this kluber grease and is there another name or specification that anyone may have herd of.


If you can help in any way it would be greatfuly appreciated cheers Robin

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Good luck getting that torrington bearing! ;)


I've got all the parts in stock for a rebuild though so check the site out




The G60 displacer bearing isn't cheap, but that's to do with how hard it is to get hold of :)


We keep the correct apex strips in, they fit correctly unlike all others and are most of all full of PTFE.


We've also got the correct Kluber grease in, most other places use the wrong spec grease as well I've found.


I'm just waiting on some little pots so I can ship it out.


It is to be applied ONLY to the oil seal faces and apex strips, NOT to the scroll faces!

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Than you Matt great help , can so body comfirm the displaced seals sizes I have 30-42-6 originals but have been supplyied 30-42-7 but I'm not even Shure if the the originals are correct although I have measured and the 6 fits well any help would be great

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5.5 is standard, they were also opposites for direction of travel. But were made exclusively for VW!


You won't find a 6 deep seal either, 7 is the norm. Especially in viton, sizes are limited. But we use 7's and they don't leak. Just use some loctite to seal them well.


Make sure you get viton!

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Cheers for that Matt the only bearing that seems to be an issue is the brass caged nu202 I can only get the polycarbonate caged version are the subject to heat on the exhaust side so does it really matter ?

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