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dreaded sunroof issue.... info on how to fix it!

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hi guys

not really sure where to post this thread as it concerns both exterior and interior but here goes!

yesterday i opened my sunroof (FULLY WORKING OR SO I THOUGHT!!!) after a rather nasty sounding crunch and a few obscenities, i realized that it was no longer fully operational, so after several times pressing buttons and praying, got out my rado to discover a rather wonky looking sunroof!!!! A call from my b/f later, (to talk me through how to remove the interior light and panel, and try to wind it down manually) which also failed, i was not a happy bunny, :scratch: so i left it for my b/f to look at when he returned home from work.

We discovered that it was actually the pulley on the passenger side, that had snapped off, hence it closing fully on the drivers side but staying put on the other side, nothing that could be done at that time so sunroof stayed open all night.

dreading the visit to the mechanic and yet more money, i decided it was not going to beat me and armed with a flat head screw driver, a knife and a small hammer :bonk: i set to work!!!


Here is how i did it:


remove interior light and undo screws to remove panel,

get the gadget to wind manually

open to full tilt

sit in passenger seat, facing the door, so you can see the mechanics inside the sunroof

about half way along on the runner there is a screw if you place a flat head screwdriver in that screw at an angle tap gently with a hammer and it will start to move along the runner, bit by bit move it along as you wind the sunroof down manually, SLOWLY I MIGHT ADD! There is enough give in the interior trim around the sunroof opening to get the screw driver in and close the sunroof almost fully, well as good as its going to be


i hope this helps someone, in their time of crisis and i will put pics for explanation soon :smug:

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