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"Loss of Power at WOT" ... turned into "Won't Start"

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So, I just bought my G60 the other day, and it's already down for the count.


It started out as intermittent: sometimes when I hit WOT, the engine would just lose power, and start dropping RPMs. I could kick the pedal a few times, and it sorted itself out. Didn't think much of it at the time, since it'd been sitting for a bit before it was mine.


The problem, however (d)evolved into something more serious: once the pedal is in about half-way, I lose power and drop RPM ... release the pedal a bit and it comes back. What this meant practically, is that I had an extremely difficult time in starting from a dead-stop. I was out picking up a new air filter, and testing out my freshly installed speedo-cable (yay, now the speedo works, and my spoiler is auto), so I had to limp the Corrado home ... very slowly, frustratingly.


Once I got it home, it got even worse: after letting it sit for about 10-20 minutes, it would refuse to start up without priming the pump several times. I've never messed with fuel systems before, so it took me a while to figure some of this out, during which I've almost drained the battery. (I'll have it recharged at a local place tomorrow)


During my troubleshooting I've noticed a few things: (in order of troubleshooting)

1) I had to repetitively "prime" the pump, just to get the motor running

2) Even when i got the motor running it would only last 10-15 seconds, before idle/stalling out.

3) Even in neutral, if i had the motor running, I couldn't open the throttle up without loss of RPM (to the point of nearly stalling or stalling.

4) Pressure gauge hooked up just before fuel filter showed about 10psi tops during "priming" and only about 14 psi during idle. And even then, it wouldn't hold the pressure during "priming" / motor not running, it'd be constantly dropping.

5) Pressure gauge hooked up just before FPR showed 0psi (pretty sure I've got it hooked up right, cause I can hear the fuel returning to the tank)

5) My full fuel tank on Day 1 of ownership dropped to nearly empty on Day 3 (I've driven less than 100 miles)

6) Found mysterious (fresh) fluid coating the underside of the forward/right suspension arm. (I couldn't tell if it smelled like fuel, since I've got a cold; it felt like fuel though)


What I've been able to figure out is:

1) I have spark, otherwise the motor wouldn't run at all. I have air, so it has to be the fuel. (The 3 requirements of happy: Fuel,Air,Spark)

2) It's either the Pump, the FPR, or leaking supply fuel line (I would have pressure if it was the return line leaking, right? since the return is after the regulator) (The suspected leak is in the frame rail (?) .. the conduit the hard lines go through aft of the wheel well up to the engine compartment, So i'm having a tough time verifying if it really is a leak there or not, everything before and after the conduit doesn't have any visible leak)


What I'm planning is (at least temporarily) bypassing all the hard lines, and taking the filter output up to the FPR with 5/16" rubber 3.5bar hose. That should tell me if it's the hard lines or not.


However, I'm not sure how to narrow it down to either the Pump or the Regulator after that.


As I'm only rather amateur in troubleshooting cars, am I making sense to any of you (more experienced) mechanics/owners?


Edit: A fuel leak would make sense when you remember that My Full went to Empty in about a day.

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Actually ... how important is the sealing ring (just under flange around the opening of the gas tank) in regards to fuel pressure? While inspecting, it looks like it's the wrong part ... it's less than 1/2" tall(wide? ... from bottom to top) as opposed to the ones I see online look to be about an inch or more.


I also don't have the flange locked down with the threaded ring right now (removed after the "fuel pump pressure check" before the "regulator pressure check" because I was doing a quick visual inspection of the pump) Maybe that's why I don't have pressure?


Like I've confessed, I've never worked on any car fuel system before.

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