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2015 worthersee roll call

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Tempted. Always wanted to do it.


EDIT: Hmmm, very tempted. Always wanted to do this. Will look into it. I suspect most decent accomodation has gone by now though. Is there camping?


Should still be a few places around Portent but if you want somewhere cheaper you may have to stay a bit out the way. Have a look at booking.com for Carthenia. May even have my apartment available :(


Would it help make your mind up if I lashed up a load of pics?

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I was there this year. Awesome trip and highly recommended! Was driving my Mk1 Golf cabby but there were a fair few rados about. Will bung some pics up later on.


Highly recommend the Seehotel Vinzenz on the south bank of the lake - just far out enough that it's not too rowdy (Velden gets a little mental...as does Reifnitz) but you can still easily walk into town.


I drove from the Channel Tunnel terminus to Frankfurt on the first day and then Frankfurt to Velden on day 2 - long drive (especially at 80 in an auto!) but the scenery is stunning, especiallythrough the Alpine tunnels. Nice to play the "who's off to Wörthersee?" game with passing traffic too, lots of friendly waving going on!

Returned up the east side of Germany (overnight stays in Bavaria and Leipzig) so I could fit in a trip to Wolfsburg on the way back - also very worthwhile.


Envious of all the folks going this year - when the cars are a bit tidier I'll definitely be back. Enjoy it!



Edited by Stonejag

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stone jag...did you pre book your stop offs on the journey down/back or just drive and stop over at the nearest hotel?


portent...get on it


jamie.....may even have a apartment available.....wash your mouth out son :doc:

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Yeah sorry mate the closer it's getting, the least likely it's looking :( All my mates have dropped out, my cars in bits, I haven't got a penny saved, my house is falling to bits, I only have four more paydays and I'm skint :(


The real ****er though is last year I asked everyone for euros for Christmas and my birthday and that paid for my hotel and that. This year my daughter told everyone the same and she was the only one that bothered and I ended up with a pile of novelty ****e...

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gutted for you mate, when it rains it pours huh, you got a date that your gonna wait till and then call it a day?


I'm working overtime like no tomorrow so getting no time on the car at the moment, but i will get it done one way or another, its my last spend before i look at paying for a wedding i suspect :bonk:


drop us a fb message if theres any think you need mate

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Don't have a cut off date but I will need to give the guy I'm renting the apartment from a bit of notice. The trouble is my sensible head is saying wait til 2016 when my mates are going back and I'll have the car more sorted and saved a bit of cash, but there's still a massive part of me that's desperate to go and saying "sod it, whack it on the card" :lol:


We'll see...

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