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Car change or not?

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Well the 330d which i've owned for nearly five years went today, i was proper gutted when it drove off and even my five year old son cried 'dad the car!' as it drove off, even he looked tearful:-(


Now i have a major dilemma, do i sell the storm and shrick manifold or the the mtb to purchase the m3??, i really don't want to be without a rado but also don't want to lose the only thing that i enjoy that keeps me fit!

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My kids still don't forgive me for selling the mk4 Golf we had for 8 years.


Sadly I'd say you probably won't use the Corrado once you have an M3. So...

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My kids still don't forgive me for selling the mk4 Golf we had for 8 years.


Sadly I'd say you probably won't use the Corrado once you have an M3. So...


So your saying get rid of the rado??! talk me round:-(


Thing is for me, nothing can touch an older car, I remember an old 205 gti i owned, (the 309 was a another story) and in just one corner I remember how good they were with the steering wheel tugging at the hands, got the same with the corrado except with proper pace and have made the mistake before of not having one in my life so I need to really think about the decision. I spose I'd like a new and an old car but I have also just got the partner a 330d sport touring so do I really need an m3? I do miss having a car with a good bit of grunt though

Edited by maff

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So your saying get rid of the rado??! talk me round:-(


Thing is for me, nothing can touch an older car, I remember an old 205 gti i owned, (the 309 was a another story) and in just one corner I remember how good they were with the steering wheel tugging at the hands, got the same with the corrado except with proper pace and have made the mistake before of not having one in my life so I need to really think about the decision. I spose I'd like a new and an old car but I have also just got the partner a 330d sport touring so do I really need an m3? I do miss having a car with a good bit of grunt though


Can you afford to buy the M3 and then leave it 6 months before selling either the Corrado or the MTB? That would probably help the decision.

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Why not go all out on the Corrado.


Make it a one off car that can compete with a more modern car.


Personally I am in the same boat. 4 cars at the house but I would rather sell up one modern very nice car and make something special out the Corrado.

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Don't get rid of that V8 pickup Kev it sound's amazing


Certainly wouldn't james. It sounds too good.

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Can you afford to buy the M3 and then leave it 6 months before selling either the Corrado or the MTB? That would probably help the decision.


Not really, 2nd baby is due in march so putting extra cash to an m3 would really rock the boat!


It's harder to find a storm than an mtb so I need to think what I'm going to do??/-)


I could save for six months but I can't wait that long! And I don't really use the rado much now anyway and I just like it sitting there so I can have a play with it now and again.

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