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Clifford Concept 300...

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Spoke to my local ICE & Alarm centre (Pilot) earlier today about supplying and fitting a Clifford Concept 300 alarm for my Saxo.


I was quoted £375.. now I have heard of people getting it done for around £300 with some companies, but I also know that Pilot have a very good reputation - not only that they are listed as on Cliffords website as an authorized dealer.. the banners and certificates all over their showrooms seem to back this up.


A good price? Bad price?

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I will be sure to do that.. though I was told that as part of the sale I will get an 'Insurance Approved' installation certificate..


But yes, I will double check. I'd be curious to see if it'll lower my premium any as well.

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Jim, I'd shop around a bit more- got one done on the G60 for £300 all in- they did a top job + certificate. Didn't effect my insurance 'cos I was only replacing the old cat-1 alarm.


Would think it will lower your premium as you don't have a cat-1 already :D .

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375 is not too bad.


Ive heard of it done for 300 - 350 and thats by a good quality installer, but they deal mainly with trade i.e. fleet cars, contracts etc... but do clifford too.


If pilot are a large establishment, then this will effect the cost...


IMO its worth adding a bit more for peace of mind and quality of installation..

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I've read a bit on a Saxo forum (no jokes, its just a handy site to have) about people getting these alarms done for around £300, but complaining about the work or the quality of the fitment.


But now Andy goes and throws a spanner in the works with his 'happy with a £300 all in' posting :)


To be honest there is only one other reputable looking company in Coventry but every time I have been there for advice on car stereo stuff they have always been really rude to me.. I almost feel like i'd rather not give them the trade.


I'll keep hunting.

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£375 isn't a bad price.

i paid £400 for mine at Ice-direct in peterborough.

the work is top quality, pay the extra for peace of mine of a top job

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is this the alarm to go with? i'm replacing the old clifford when i take the dash out and this is the one i'm going with... unless i find something better.

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Sorry jim! :roll: :D I agree with the others- if you don't entirely trust/know much about a dealer, it's worth spending a bit more for peace of mind. I'd have a bit more of a look around first, and if nothing worthwhile turns up, go with Pilot.


G60- Clifford Concept 300 is a great alarm! I've had two now, and they're excellent. You can add stuff to them too at a later date if you want :D .

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Yeah.. admittedly if I had the cash then i'd love to go a bit further up the range to the Concept 500 and beyond.. but they are just hugely expensive, and I think perhaps a BIT over the top for a Saxo.


I just want a good quality alarm that will deter all the muppets.. I think a Concept 300 is good enough to be a 'pro only' break in job, but I cant imagine many pro's stealing Saxo's to order so I should be ok.


Gonna scope out the pay situation next Wednesday and hopefully get this thing ordered! :)

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andyg60-i think i will go with this alarm... i've heard nothing but good things about it and adding on later is what i'm looking for. i'm in the same boat as jim right now, just want to make sure i have a good quality alarm to deter them muppets. :p


i'm going to be installing the alarm with the assitance (he'll do most of the work :lol: ) of one of my knowledgable friends. i'll try to snap some pics in case someone else wants to tackle it themself.

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You should try and pick up the remote engine start for it :)


Either that or the dual proximity sensors.. a mate has that on his Concept 500, and if you even get too close to the car (like peering through the windows) it'll chirp loudly at you to scare you away. Stand there too long, it'll chirp some more.. and if you dont get the hint it sets the alarm off. No actual intrusion needed.


Pretty damn good.. alerts you if you are in earshot of the car if people are loitering!!

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nice features! ..exactly the reason i want to go with clifford. anyone have the concept 500?

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Well I can find out anything you need to know about it... as I say, a good friend of mine has one fitted to his Renault Clio Sport 172 :)

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what are the main benefits over the 300? i don't need fort knox.. and i'm shaving the door handles as well.. i just want something that will make me feel comfortable leaving the car parked in public.

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Well looking at the brochure, it seems the 500 just includes a few of the 'addons' as standard.. over the Concept 300 you get :


* 5 button / 16 channel alarm key fob

* BlackJax anti carjacking system

* Dual zone proximity sensor (the chirping thing) :)

* The ability to adjust each 'zone' via the 5 button key fob


And that seems to be it.. so as I say, its just slightly more advanced & comes with a few of the 'addons' that you can get for the Concept 300.

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I have the 300 and like people say adding bits is a good feature at the time i couldn't afford the concept 600 so got the 300 then when i had the cash, added the extra features. still have more preouts left so upgrading it as and when

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I definately can't afford the Concept 500.. i'm pushing it as is with the Concept 300 mate!


The 300 will be more than enough.. and as funds allow, I can bolt on extras at a later date! :)

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G5 is the Fifth gerneration alarm that clifford are starting to pump out next stage on from the G4 systems.


Seems that clifford uk and US havn't updated the web sites yet. I have a new Pro version of the Clifford net Pro software with G5 system programming features along with all the older stuff

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is there a site anywhere online that sells the clifford 300, or 200 for that matter? ..preferably in north america? i doubt you guys can help me but i can't find anything... maybe i'm just slow.. :?


..runnin out of time now. want the car out in 12 days.

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