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German from that half-rightrsteward Autobahn Toll experiencing more headwinds - GOOD!

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That barsteward Dobrindt from that suspiciously "rightish" ex-Strauß (who's had scandals as far back as the 60s with not disclosing certain armaments issues) party CSU, a sister party of the CDU (Christian ... where the f* is the Christian aspect in this party, bunch of rednecks led by an ex-DDR woman from a preacher dad who left the west to emigrate to the East - how does all that fit together anyway?) has had major headwinds in his stupid and discriminatory plans to introduce a foreigner toll on Gemran motorways, which German have to pay, too, but would get a refund. What's more analysts have already worked out that the whole scheme could end up costing Germany more than it is to bring into its coffers, mainly because the proportion of Germans not making use of the motorways thus claiming back road tax might be higher than expected.


Anyway, rant over, I hate politics, sack them all, cost us far too much anyway, and totally useless.


Looks like the initial introduction date for this farce was going to be 1/1/2016, but that may very well be delayed by the Bundesrat (organisation representing the individual states within Germany), plus the EU still needs to decide on the legality (what are those Brussel bureaucrats waiting for?).



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It's a done deal now apparently: Toll roads (Autobahn and A-style roads) will now all attract toll for foreigners only (let's see how that passes the EU), starting sometime in 2016 (no exact date given yet), boo! Hiss! We'll now have to charge Germans coming over here to Blighty methinks :)





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