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Simon vr6

Gear Selector Linkage

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HI guys don't know if anyone can help but I am looking for the gear selector linkage for my VR6 asap. Damn thing keeps getting stuck in reverse!!


Let me know if you can help


Cheers Simon

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I have no idea but from what the guy at the garage said it was the selector. He said it was rusty and in bad condition. No surprise that the parts are obsolete!!!


Thanks for the info :)

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So I have spoken to the garage and it is not the links that I need but the selector that goes on top?!? Don't know if that means anything to anybody. Doesn't mean much to me lol.

If anyone has got the part or know of anybody I would be grateful if you could let me know


Thanks Simon

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No problem.


That part sits on top of gearbox. Then you have two cables that connect to it and then run back to the gearstick in car.


I have seen a rebuild kit. But its not any metal parts and I'm not sure if it's for the gearbox selector or the gearstick end. I bought it and still none the wiser!

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So these are the parts that I need to get to fix my gear problem. Any ideas where I can find these parts??


Cheers Simon

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