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g60 slave cylinder hose problem

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hi there .. ive just brought another g60 the guy i brought it from said there is a slight bulge in the hose which needed replacing as its effecting the gear change (crunch) mainly from 1st -2nd .. does this sound right or is it the clutch ?? any thought would be appreciated ..thanx lee

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if its got a buldge in the hose then it wont be helping , could also be a tired master or slave or needs bleeding , or just a tired gearbox

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Replace the hose and replace the slave cylinder. Mine completely went out of the blue, left me miles away from home with no clutch and ****ting it my brakes would fail. Not expensive or hard to come by either. Defently do it ASAP or it could cost you a lot more!!

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if the slave is worn then the m/c wont be far behind it imo


you wont lose the brakes ,vw thought about that and put the clutch feed pipe further up the tank

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