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"It's in the garage during the week, but on Friday and Saturdays I drive it around Blackwood, Cardiff and Newport.


Sad fecker!


:cuckoo: :snipersmile:


The boy needs :help:


Congratulations mate! 8)

Best Avatar ever seen! :D

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Should I seek help?!? :wink: :roll: :lol:


erm probly but for diff reasons LOL


jus kidding couldnt resist

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I must say guys - I have seen worse HONESTLY! and that budget was small in comparison. Be prepared to laugh


My neighbour is a Researcher for BBC TV and was working about 6 months ago on an Asian programme called Desi DNA. They did a feature on car culture and 3 cars were featured. I can't remember the 3rd but here is a bit about the first 2!


A Corsa - The guy paid around £8000 for it but had spent well over £25,000 on the car. Very nice spinning alloys :cuckoo:

8 - YES 8 TV screens in a corsa and he wants to add 4 more!! and various other montrous rediculousarities (I made that word up for this car!!!!)


The other was a Honda Civic. The guy with this had spent about £6,000 on door hinges!!!!! This was so he could have Lambo style lift up doors - what a wazzock!!!! :2gunfire:


I'll try to get all the details off my neighbour and see if I can get some pics. Oh how we both wet ourselves when we saw them!!!!

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