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New lights, new problems

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Just got my lights back from the paint shop.


Long story short, I got these second hand on the forum and they were not in a great state when they turned up so i decided i would have a play with them and see if I could make them look better on the car this is how they turned out:






The problem I now have is that I need to get the back plates into the old Hella housings as the In.Pro ones were battered and this is where my issues start.


The older Hella plastic clips do not appear to fit into the sockets on the back of the light plate, I also have what appear to be 2 extension sections that fit over the mounts inside the light housing but i have no idea which of the 3 mounts they fit to, does anyone have any ideas?


Further more, the mechanical drive for the dip control is spinning in the socket and appears to have stripped the nylon out. I'm hoping I can get this to fix with some super glue unless anyone any better ideas?

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