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Schrick + Cams = Misfire??

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I have been getting the Storm up and running at the moment and I am coming across a few issues as I go.


I initially had an issue where the car would rev upto 4K then misfire and retard all the way to a stall. I found this to be caused by a bad earth on the Schrick manifold controller.

I re earthed the controller and had the car up and running, sorted the vac lines for the Schrick and had this operating with no issues.


I have had the car running on long idles to run in, test cooling systems, check for anything missing (like the lambda i had forgotten to connect) all has been good with no real issues




Wanted to show the old man the operation of the Schrick, took the revs up and at 3500, hit a misfire, the revs drop to 3k before climbing again.


This happened repeatedly each time at 3.5k. the system is happy once it gets past this and the Schrick still operates.


Admitedly I have changed cams, the Schrick, exhaust and it has not had any mapping done but this appears to be very odd to me.


My next step moving forward is to check all the vac connections for the Schrick and shorten the hoses as these are still very long as that made it easier to test on my own as i had not decided on fixing locations


Any other ideas people?

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OK. Looking for anything in particular?

I don't have a silencer box on mine and had to make up a new section off the back of the intake pipe to the UFO thing... Thinking about it, this was all a twat to get to fit

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