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Top tip - If you have no memory (like me), set a diary date in you phone for MOT time

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My partner and I both have MOT's due about the same time, mine a bit before. So yesterday night she says "isn't my MOT due soon" to which I (being convinced it's in June) says I don't thing so, I'll check.


Pops my details into the online search and "Rodney, you plonker" MOT expired on the 10th, her being due in a fortnight.


Calls garage this morning - Sorry can't fit you in, booked solid today and tomorrow - not happy as didn't fancy trying to find another trusted MOT station.


Thankfully the garage calls me back at lunch and says they can do it anytime this afternoon as they've had some cancellations.....whoop whoop, see ya at 15:30.


Now the stress hits me as normally I'd have my mechanic give the old girl a once over to see if anything obvious, but no chance of that. Stressful wait whilst it's MOT is done and BOOM!, PASSED, few minor advisories like tyres at 3mm but a pass all the same.


I love this old motor.

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