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So last night I spent £825 on ebay, tonight I receive an email saying if I spend £10 or more I get 10 x my nectar points,valid on all purchases from 8am 26th May to 8am 31st May but the barstewards wont honour because it has to be activated first :bad-words:

I contacted them, here is what was said


I have just received an email giving me 10 times nectar points, its says Offer valid 2*6*th M*ay 8*am until 3*1*st M*ay 8*am.Minimum spend of £1*0. T&Cs apply. I spent £825 last night will it be valid

Saurabh21:56 PM

Welcome to eBay Live Help, my name is Saurabh. Please allow me a moment to review your query.

Saurabh21:57 PM

Hello Bill,

bilcor021:57 PM


Saurabh21:57 PM

May I know have you purchased the items last night after availing the offer from Nectar page?

bilcor021:57 PM


bilcor021:58 PM

availing ?

Saurabh21:59 PM

I will explain this to you.

Saurabh22:00 PM

Bill, actually the item that you will make after activating the offer on your account will be covered under this promotion and you will get the 10 X Nectar points only for that purchases.

Saurabh22:00 PM

Let me assist you with the steps to activate this promotion.

bilcor022:01 PM

Offer valid 2*6*th M*ay 8*am until 3*1*st M*ay 8*am.Minimum spend of £1*0

Saurabh22:01 PM

I request you to please go to the Nectar page from your 'My eBay'.

Saurabh22:01 PM

Yes, it is valid from 26 May but you need ot activate the offer from Nectar section.

Saurabh22:02 PM


bilcor022:02 PM

I was only sent the notification 10 minutes ago!

bilcor022:02 PM

This is unfair

Saurabh22:04 PM

Basically, this promotion is live for all member's and we've mentioned this information on eBay home page banner so all the users would be able to see this promotion on the site.

Saurabh22:05 PM

This promotion is still active and it's available till 31st.

bilcor022:06 PM

Yes I realise it is still active, my point is, I spent £825 last night and missed out on the promotion because I was only notified this evening!

Saurabh22:08 PM

Yes, I do agree your point that you've missed out points for previous orders. I wish I could add this manually but it wouldn't be possible for us. However, there is one workaround available wherein you may try to contact the seller and see if possible to cancel the order and re-purchase this item on eBay.UK. site.

bilcor022:09 PM

The item has already been posted

Saurabh22:10 PM

Ohh, I see. It's unfortunate situation wherein you missed out to earn points.

bilcor022:11 PM

Its rubbish and typical, its the same when I list things to sell, the next day I receive an email giving me 10 free listings, its all designed to make you spend more money and its very annoying

Saurabh22:14 PM

I do understand your point and sincerely apologise for the inconvenience which may have caused to you. The terms and conditions of each promotion applies to all customer equally. If their account is meeting the requirement then the system automatically adds bonus points for their orders.

Saurabh22:14 PM

I wish I could manually add points for your previous orders. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be possible.

bilcor022:15 PM

very diplomatic but it does not help my situation. Goodnight

Saurabh22:16 PM

I completely understand your disappointment and as a buyer, I would have felt the same.

Saurabh22:16 PM

Have you any other queries you need help with? I will do my best to help you with it.

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To be fair it's a site wide promotion and not just a targeted thing on you. I read about it earlier this morning. Just very unfortunate timing!

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To be fair it's a site wide promotion and not just a targeted thing on you. I read about it earlier this morning. Just very unfortunate timing!


Yeah I realise that Jim, its just bloody annoying that they send the email notification a day after the promotion starts

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Try write to trading standards, i was in a shop and they had an offer of something free when you bought something else.


So i bought it and they said the free offer starts tomorrow. I didn't see any date on the display of anywhere else so argued that and they still declined.


So i wrote a letter and then the store contacted me and sent me vouchers.


It does make you feel petty and annoying but a win is a win.

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Ah sorry I see what you mean now Bill - the promotion was already active, but you hadn't actually been notified of it. That does suck, most definitely, and a pretty dick move on eBay not to give you the points :(

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Good news, I have called Nectar and they are going to honour the bonus points, so instead of getting 825 worth £4 odds, I get 8250 worth £41 :smug:

The guy did comment that he thought Ebay really should be notifying people that have their nectar account linked to Ebay of any promotions before the event.

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