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any ideas

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after having the lump chaned over on my 1.8 kr corrado it seem that loud bangig has returned on my new lump, the only bits that were transferred over are the dizzy and the ht leads, aswell as the power steering components, the noisy sounds like its coming deep from within the block.

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have you changed the engine mounts?


When does it bang? all the time, just on accelleration/ under braking? Some more details of when the banging occurs will help us help you... 8)

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ok, erm makes a continous banging sound, which increases when the revs are increased, when the lump was changed over (because the old lump was making the same noise and was beyond a rebuild) the noise dissapeared for day then now its back to the same situation, the engine i now have was heard running before it was removed and was running sweet. the parts that were changed over are the waterpump, powersteering pump, new mounts all round, manifold (exhaust) dizzy and ht leads, the lump was serviced and had the timing belt replaced whilst out aswell, i've now dropped the car back of with my mechanic, he said this happened when he first fired up the lump but then went away, ive dropped the belt that runs the powersteering pump and the noise continues will the car fire up with the waterpump belt removed asweel even though this runs to the alternator, as if noise goes away when i remove this belt, i know its gonna be down to either the waterpump or the pulleys even though they are tight, no play at all. hope its something simple like ht leads or the dizzy, but it does sounds qiute loud not like a basic missfire ir timing error. :(

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yeah, you can strip off all of the belts (apart from the cam belt! :roll: :lol:) and run it for a few minutes with no problems.... just be aware that you'll have little to no cooling as the belts drive the water pump too, so keep a VERY close eye on the engine to make sure you don't cook it! :|

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