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Roger Blassberg

fuel gauge

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I needed to fiddle about with the ECU on Saturday, so I disconnected the battery. Ever since, the fuel gauge has behaved very strangely; despite having driven at least 75 miles, it has remained at exactly the same position whilst the ignition is switched on. It drops to zero in the usual way when I switch off and then goes back to its fixed position. Is there some sort of resetting procedure?


Incidentally, when i had reconnected the ECU and the battery and started the engine, the idle stabilisation had gone completely; fortunately my local specialist is literally at the bottom of the road, and he connected it up to the 1551 and reset it. Is this necessary every time I disconnect the battery or or the ECU, or can I do it myself in some other way? Last week, someone (Kev or Henny), said to disconnect the battery for 15 minutes to reset the ECU but this didn't do the trick.


Thanks in anticipation of your help.


Best wishes



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Roger Blassberg, i alway take out the battery before i play around with the electric in my VR but the fuel gauge alway work fine when i reconnect it so maybe its the ECU. find a way to reset it and if that doesn't work it should be the sensor in the tank and if its not the sensor its just the gauge...

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