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Dancing Fish

Should i rip my warm air feed off???

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Ive just read an article that says cold air is more denser thus the colder the air you get into your engine the more power it generates.


Therefore, why do i want the warm air feed into my airbox?????



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It's there 'cos when the air is too cold (and the engine is cold too) the inlet system can ice up which causes the car to run like a sack of spanners... :)


The warm air feed is there to prevent this from happening and should have a vacuum acutated flap to block it off when the engine warms up enough to not run the risk of icing being a problem... 8)

Thing is that it very rarely gets cold enough for this to be a problem in this country on an fuel injected car... the G60s (and vr6s I think) don't have this feed, and I know I removed it (as well as a VERY large amount of the bottom of the airbox!) when I had my 16V golf with no bad effects... 8)

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Given that the metal bit that attaches to the back of the head has broken off and rattles like a batch, it is not worth spending any money at all fixing it? In fact, just pulling it off (!!) would be a good idea. Especially if i dont bin it.

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unless you're planning on moving to a high bit of Scotland (or maybe some bits of Wales) where it gets really cold and snowy and stuff, IMHO you should be OK... 8)

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