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rattly knocking noise from mid to top end on a G60

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yeah, I've been mega paranoid with this engine since I first built it, so any sign of a different noise, and I'll pull her off the road and investigate ASAP... I reckon the bolt's only been in the cylinder for about 2 minutes of running time in total, I just dread to think what would have happened if it had got in there during one of my 140mph runs the day before... :|

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OK, I've just been speaking to John (16VG60) who I actually got this block from who was as boggled by this as I am (along, it seems, with everyone else)


He made several very good and valid observations (after he'd stopped swearing! ;) :lol: ) which made a lot of sense... The bolt can't of been hidden inside the head, as there's nowhere in a G60 head for a bolt to hide where it could then get into the cylinders... If you look into the inlet or exhaust ports on the back of my head, you can actually see the valves as it's been somewhat ported... so there's nowhere a bolt like this could have hidden there.... :| So, that only leaves one option of were this bolt has come from... The intercooler... :?


One thing John did point out (laughingly) is that it proves the strength of the bottom end and pistons if they can take having a bolt dropped in there with the engine running! :lol:


I'm gonna see if I can get the piston x-rayed to check it for cracks by a mate who works in the aerospace industry and if all's OK then I'll just bolt her back together and it should be fine... 8) If not, I'll have to get hold of some new pistons... :?


J-DUB WILL return, and will be as good as she was before, if not slightly better... 8) :mrgreen:

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I've now got all the parts to put her back together now (except for the piston which John's working on getting for me) all for less than £80! :D


The piston has checked out OK with no cracks in it, but I've decided that I'd rather use a new piston which I know is fine, rather than one which has taken the kind of beating that this one has... If the piston ever failed, I'd never live with myself as it would more than likely scrap the engine block...


All I'll say is that I'm SERIOUSLY impressed with the strength of these pistons... to take this kinda beating and not crack or split is somewhat impressive... 8)

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...and the boost leak sorted, and decent bottom end shells in which haven't been cooked when the headgasket went, and.... ;) :D


I can't wait to see how she runs... 8) (and get rid of this flippin' Fiat Punto hire car... :? )

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YAY! The pistons just arrived! 8)


Here's a pic of the little pile of bits I've got to replace... she's gonna basically be a new engine again, with all new shells and small ends too! This time there's gonna be a filter on the throttle body to stop any foreign objects getting into the engine! ;) :lol:


Total cost for all the bits: £560

Total cost for hire car: £550

Total cost of the mesh to make the filter £1.95 from Halfords...


The hindsight of wishing I'd have put a filter in the throttle body when I first built the engine... priceless... :roll: :cry:


With any luck, she should be back up and running before Monday.... :) 8)


A HUGE Thanks to 16VG60 (John) for managing to get me this set of pistons... I know he's had to phone all sorts of places to get hold of 'em as the supply has just dried up entirely unless you want a couple of months wait! :(

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well done mate :D


ull prob seen my good news and ive got to agree with you John has helps massively and i cant thank him enought either


(bet he is tired of geting calls form us two) lol only kidding


well good luck putting it back together and ill speak to you later :) hope your day out was great ;)

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OK, so yesterday I realised that the pistons needed a little bit of work before I could fit 'em as they aren't exactly the same as the ones which were in the engine when it was balanced... :|


Today I've bought myself some electronic scales accurate to 0.5grams (or 1/10oz) and I'll be making sure that the new pistons are lightly modded to be the same weight as the pistons they are replacing so that the balancing that was done to the bottom end isn't screwed up by any extra weight in the new pistons... :| This is gonna be a little bit interesting to do, but should result in a nice smooth balanced engine again once I get her all built up... 8)


I've also ported and flowed the throttle body that I got off Darren (G-Man) to replace my knackered one which was a lot of fun to do and looks like it should flow well with very little restriction.... 8) I'll lob some pics up tomorrow once I've sobered up from the night out that's about to happen! ;) 8) :lol:


Oh, and the nice new inlet manifold mesh filter has been made and just needs a little tweaking to make sure it's spot on... no more risk of foreign objects breaking my engine again! :-P :mrgreen:

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Well, the "doing the pistons myself" bit didn't happen... I wimped out and took 'em to my local engineering place who machined and balanced 'em for me.... to within 0.1g over the 4 pistons!!! :crazyeyes: :lol: 8) Now that's what I call balancing... Still, I've now probably got the most accurate kitchen scales out of anyone on here! :lol: :mrgreen:


And then, about 40 minutes ago, I turned the key and fired her up for the first time since I started this thread... 8) Damn, that's still a GOOD feeling when an engine you've just rebuilt fires up.... even if it isn't the first time you've rebuilt it! :lol: 8)

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Henny, you did yourself a favour giving me that old waterpipe and buying a new one. The chuffer was the scource of my 'headgasket' problem :cry: A pinhole was squirting water onto the HG, and it looked like it had gone for sure.


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Sheesh... sorry to hear that Gav... :( Glad you've got it sorted though... 8)

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No one more gutted than me that it split. Except the mate of mine that was driving it at the time. He had it to patch the roof up. He rung me up with a sheepish tale about how he only drove it a mile from work to his own unit.


I just laughed, no point in getting wound up about it. less than 40 for a new one and my mate fitted it so I never even got mucky. My own fault for being a tight Yorkshireman :mrgreen:



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Well bu&&er me if she doesn't feel faster than she was before! :crazyeyes:


I dunno why, but she's revvier and feels torquier than she was before this problem occurred, and she's only got 50 miles on this rebuild so far! I soooo can't wait 'til she's bedded in... this is like a kind of torture not being able to use her to her full potential! :|


Cheers to all who have contributed to this thread and offered help and assistance.... Much appreciated.... 8)

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It'll be bedded in before you know it.


You *have* to make it to the most suitable rolling road day when its all pukka Henny - finally find out, after so many false starts, what power this machine of yours is putting out!

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yup... There's talk of one in Nov/Dec on this very Forum which I'm aiming at getting J-DUB down to... Then we'll see what she's like when properly set up... 8) My new digital timing strobe should arrive tomorrow too, so I'll be able to set the engine up properly at home and tweak her lots whenever I feel like it from then on... ;) 8)

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