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A sad, sad day, my VR6 engine is dead.....

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OK, today I stripped the motor, and I found out where the oil went.

There's no way it lost that much out of the head gasket. it was definitely leaking, but no way did it lose 2 litres in a month, now way.


When I pulled the crank pulley off I saw the problem right away. the crank shaft oil seal was torn. A good 1/2" of it was damaged, and the spring that keeps the sealing lip tight had come off and was on the crank itself. the leaking oil was getting sprayed up all over the pulley, block and engine bay. hence why it wasn't leaving a puddle on the floor but it was all over the engine.


Now, I don't know how this has happenend, the seal was brand new in May, and I fitted it myself. If I'd damaged it whilst fitting it I'd have immediately seen the damage, but it looked totally fine when I installed it ,yet the thing was practically inside out today!


so at least I'm not blaming myself too much now about not checking the oil level.


Now, I know that the guy who did my wheel arches had to do some welding on the front arch at the pulley end (it splt on the inside at the front when he flared it). I'm going to inspect the seal to see if there is even a remote possibility that a spark or blob of weld managed to get through the slots in the crank pulley (it's a turn 2 pulley, big slots) and burned the seal. I know it's a long shot, but it might explain it.


Seems strange how it's been fine for 3 months. then the 2nd time I drive it after it comes ouf of the body shop it's 2 litres down on oil.........


EDIT: actually, I now think I'm talking complete sh1te. as I've done 150 miles inthe car since I got it back. I forgot I'd been up to dalby forest in it.

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This may sound a little retarded...... but didn't the oil light come on?

Mines flickered on when just below Min mark - let alone 2 litres missing!

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I've had it flicker before, again, when a lotre down.


It never made a sound, and the sensors are brand new too.

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Doh, I'm gutted m8.

Well, roll on 3L-T :)

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