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Spoiler fuse

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Been having lots of trouble with my spoiler recently. I have an early 1990 16V and every time I connect the spoiler fuse to the spoiler switch it blows the warning light and MFA fuse on the main board.


To try and solve this I got a new spoiler fuse off ebay ! Turns out the early and late spoiler fuses have a similar model no (535 919 845) except the early fuse has a D and the late one a B at the end of the number !


Would anyone know off hand what fuse (number) I need to buy to get my MFA and warning lights back working?


Also would anyone have a working early spoiler fuse( model number 535 919 845 B) I would gladly swap it for the later one as its no use to me.


The top one is the late model the bottom is the early one (one I need)




Here is the model Nos


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It could be that cus it did make some add noise as it was creeping up, although it just popped up once when I connected the switch and didn’t go back down so I don’t know if it was sticking or now Im a bit confused I dont know if its the fuse for the spoiler that is dodgy or the motor itself.


Would a dodgy spoiler fuse cause the other fuses to blow? Is there a second fuse on the board that deals with the spoiler also?


What would cause the spoiler to struggle as you put it? It winds up and down fine manually I took it all apart and nothing seems to be broken/stuck??


Can anyone help me post some pics? my web service provider is crap - pics never show on threads

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