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Is this fixable ? (door handle) ***UPDATED***

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Edited Tues night..


This part has snapped off somewhere inside my door, be it the handle, the mechanism, or somewhere else


the door handle no longer opens the door when pulled


i visited a breakers yard (VW Sandburn) and they have said its off the door handle BUT i removed the door handle and there is no apparent breakage on any part of it


where has the broken part come from?





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nope, welcome to the world of Corrado door handles... you need a new one, or you could get a set of Passat rear handles and locks to get rid of the key hole in the handle... 8)


GPC is your best bet for one....

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nope, it's just crap... ;)


Phone 'em in the morning, they're much better on the phone than on the web... (just as well really with a site that bad! ;) )

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Top left hand side?! :)


Do a search on here for 'door AND handles' - this has come up more times than you can possibly imagine mate :D

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You can fix them but tbh i think it would be too time consuming and i dont have access to a wrokshop to build the bit. (my have in future as gf does metalwork...) .


Anyway you can reapir it but dunno if iuts worth it, ive seen some german person selling the striker on its own before but apart from that the only other puics have seen is on this site (down at the bottom, hes doing two repairs in thsi page).



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This part has snapped off somewhere inside my door, be it the handle, the mechanism, or somewhere else


the door handle no longer opens the door when pulled


i visited a breakers yard (VW Sandburn) and they have said its off the door handle BUT i removed the door handle and there is no apparent breakage on any part of it


where has the broken part come from?


Hi mate, thats the striker pin from the Handle, they all break at the same point - I could send you a picture of one of my broken ones but you will see where it should fit by looking at the handle, thats the bit that strikes down on the mech to open the latch. Not really anyway to fix effectively, you just need a new one i'm afraid!

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Renegade - as everyone has said mate, these aren't repairable units. When these break, people buy new door handles - its just a Corrado thing I am afraid! :(

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big screw on inner edge of door above lock that keeps door shut.


unscrew that carefully (incase old and worn)

once out push hadnle forward gently and pivot out on the other side ... watch you dont scratch the paintwork.


use the pic above to check it



to change it you'll need to take you inner panle off to disconnect the central locking lead and reconnect it etc.. thats easy too .

*** please note this is 16v version vr6 will be slightl;y different***


just pry off inner doorhandle cover (may be slightly diff in some models) unscrew take off.


take off plastic bit from pull open bit by pushing gently to the right and popping off.

take off wingmirror adjuster.


unscrew screws all round edge of panel lift off and disconnect speakers and electrice windows and mirrors etc..

put to side.


rest should be easy just remeber to line up the clips with the screws when putting the panel back on and put the bottom edge in first.

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no bother... door handles are expensive though. :(


if want original dont go to stealers do a search because i think theres somewhere else that supplys them a lot cheaper.


but if you dont mind losing the central locking or have full closure try the passat mod or if you wait a few days ill tell you if the handles i got work and youll be able to pick them up fairly cheap bout £30 exc postage and not have to change linkages (hopefully fingers crossed).

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