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HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drive shaft vibration damper

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It would appear that the vibration damper has come loose/broken on the offside driveshaft of my G60.It looks like a rubber 'donut',and is sliding about along the drive shaft intermittently.


What can be done to it?

According to the dealers it is not sold separately.

Will it be okay if i just cut it off?



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cutting it off. its not 100% rubber. rather its steel with a rubber coating. I cut mine off back in 1995 and have no problems from doing this. In fact a VW dealership mechanic told me to cut it off. I used an angle grinder to do this. took a little while to make the 2 cuts. Make certain you have goggles or maybe even a face shield

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Had mine cut off too, when it was lose I could feel it vibrating under braking, with it off all vibrations are gone. (its been off over a year now.)

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Anyone tell me where to find this as i get a vibration under hard accelerating, wondering if this is the same thing. Its not my engine mounts cos they are fine.

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G60Jet I doubt that you have a VIbration dampener problem as these make more of a thud type of sound. But the Dampener is located on the engineside driveshaft (The longer one)


But about your vibration. How do you know the mounts are good? Have you inspected the mounting brackets?On one car I found that the dash nuts under the cowl(ECU and wiper motor area) loosened and caused an annoying vibration.

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