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GTI and Performance Car Show at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry

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Yes, this event was supposed to be the last official outing for my Mk1 Rocco this season, but looking at the weather forecast ... dire, dire :cry: :cry:


As I'm hosting a club stand, I'll have to take the Mk1, leave it outside in the rain (so even cleaning will be of no avail :cry: ).


Why oh why does the weather always change when there are shows on, whereas during the week, when I'm stuck on the treadmill, the sun dares come out ?


I'm just hoping that the Metoffice have got it all wrong for Sunday.


Anyone else coming up to this event? Was rather good last year, also because we had ace weather last year.



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You need to treat yourself to a car sized gazebo Eric so you can keep the car reasonably sheltered from the elements! :)


Anywho.. I might pop down.. not sure as I want to garage the Corrado this weekend until Thursday when I can get this CV joint repaired. Knocking sounds a bit nastier now and I don't want it to really really break before I actually get a chance to drive up to Stealth to get it fixed.

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car sized gazebo


That's not the problem, the problem is getting it to the show ground, as it won't fit into my Mk1 :oops: It's one of those telescopic extracting folding type gazebos, not the assemble-by-numbers- type (which would've taken up far less space :roll: ).



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Just looked at Stoneleighs website and it says its the classic and performance ford show on the 3rd of october, oh and also a spaniel show :shock: , how many dubs are there as ive never been to it before, although I have been to the annual capri show more than once :oops:

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classic and performance ford show on the 3rd of october, oh and also a spaniel show


Erm, well forget about the Spaniel show, it's the other one :lol:


how many dubs are there


Last year had quite a few VDubs, even quite a few of them were Rados (almost all of them bar 2 Sciroccos and a Golf or 2) :mrgreen:



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I can't imagine it would be the kind of show thats worth driving for a few hours for?


I'd only go because its about 15 minutes from where I live ;)

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Given that the weather forecast is going to be off-putting to quite a few (very wet and windy), I personally wouldn't drive several hours. If the weather were going to be like at last year's show, nice, warm and sunny, then I'd reconsider, as it did have quite a few interesting clubs, variety of cars (not just Vdubs), traders, and just generally was a pleasant day out.


Heck, I do drive all the way down to London Volksfest as well for the day, but that's usually got excellent weather, when I particularly enjoy the driving to and from the show bit in my Mk1 Rocco :D



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Well, 2 Roccos turned up, mine and another sweet looking Mk2. Other than that the show was a wee bit diappointing compared to last year's event, at least for outright Veedub fans, as this year the show had one hall full of Fords (one Orion even had a fake aquarium in the boot :lol: ), another hall full of rice-cookers (loads of Fast & Furious suspects), outside terrain was full of, erm, Fords and rice cookers, and oh yes a few Pugs, 2 Audis, and 2 Roccos.


The Roccos decided to call it a day before the weather turned sour, made it home again dry with the Mk1 :D


There were loads of visitors, though, quite a few looking at my Rocco :D


No Rados, though, not a single one :cry: For design enthusiasts, there were 2 Isuzu Piazzas (designed by Ital Design, same company who designed the Mk1 Rocco, the 3 Asso's and the DeLorean) and a Lancia Delta Integrale (again Ital Design).



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