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About wasp

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  1. Curiouser and cuiriouser... darinage channels are clear, it is Pis*ing with rain and no leak- unless I stick my finger in this hole :roll: have decided to embrace the problem rather than get upset now as I don't have a clue- ( and I don't trust VW to charge a fortune to look and still get it wrong :x ) Have decided to aquire pet duck in the event of new wetness -hopefully 'tis one off like supercharged. Thank you all! xclaireX
  2. Furthur to my wet feet thread of passager leak in footwell, I have found the hole! But don't have a clue WHAT it is- any ideas> I know I'm not a Corrado,but you knowledageable chaps may have a clue if don't mind - In the footwell on the far back panel opposite the passanger chair, In top right hand corner before bottom of dash starts, there is a cut hole with a pipe running through. This pipe comes from the inside going to the outside engine space. When I press that pipe, or the seal around it, water comes out. Please don’t let that be anything to do with the heater matrix. :roll:
  3. :( Fluid is clear and odourless, i was told that if it was heater matrix I would be seeing increase in oil temp and coolant decrease- which there isn;t. I guess I have the first vr6 indoor swimming pool. :cry: Thank you for the replies Now I can go back to lurking :wink: xcx
  4. Hi I Do part tilted downwards ( I knew what you meant!) But is has been hottest weekend of the year :( . Another fourm non- vw related suggests the air con pipe is blocked. Does that sound feasable? Wet Wasp
  5. Yep- am resident vr6golf membe rbut noone has come across it... :roll: Thank you- I shall go check channels... claire
  6. Hello Please forgive the intrusion from golf vr6 cousin, but please may I ask your advice - I have read the water leaking thread but can't dind anyone who is creatimg mini-pool in footwell. This weekend the paasanger footwell was soaking wet. Water temp fine at 90, oil temp normal at 90-100. Only clue is maybe a tiny tiny bit of "pink stuff" on "round thing" :wink: with water sign on it, but it is still on max line. ( ok ok- girl unfamiliar with engine.. :oops: ) I thought if it was the heater matrix I would have increased oil or water temp? At least coolant levels would be decreased- but it is full. And the water is odourless and colourless. I would be very grateful if anyone has experiance of what this could be. claire
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