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About scabbyscala

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  1. I doubt whether the 16v had EDL otherwise my wee bro prob wouldn't have stuffed it backwards into a tree at 60mph. I'll try and cross ref it with the VR6 part number and i'll pop into my friendly VW dealership tomorrow, with a box of choccy biccys of course. Cheers.
  2. Sorry, forgot to add the VR6 is also a 1993 Corrado.
  3. Is it possible to swap an ABS ECU part no 1H0 907 379 B taken from a 2.0 16v 1993 Corrado into a VR6 Corrado, i've had a look at what came up in the search function and it seems pretty much a no-no, but i thought i'd check for definite. Cheers.
  4. It's booked in on thursday to get the ECU probed (ouch!-sounds painfull) , so will post the results on here incase it helps anyone else out at some point in the future. Camber/Castor & tracking getting done on friday then it's MOT time and finally a blast round the deserted b-roads to see if it all works as it should!. Freakin hope so!.
  5. tafkadm : The car's mot has ran out and the nearest vw dealership is 35 miles away - If i was stopped by our friends in blue (friends?.....aye right!!) do you think i'd get grief from them for not having an mot? - The car is taxed and insured. What should it cost (approx) to get vw to plug into ABS ECU and retrieve error codes? - I took them a big box of M&S choccy bics last week for advice/help on the VR6 topmounts and engine stuff for my GT11, so hopefully they'll be accomodating on the VAGcom check - might get them to do the mot as well.
  6. Corrado 2.0 16v 1993 (brothers car) Hi peeps,usual ABS light on in dash - wasn't on before i carried out the following : replaced rear bearings, discs/pads all round, full suspension and sundries allround, cv boots, full service+.....etc. I bought a Mitchell On-Demand Service Guide CD for the VW group from an Ebay seller a few weeks ago and used it yesterday to follow the recommended brake bleeding system in it but it didn't work - perhaps this is related to ABS light problem. The method of bleeding i followed was to position the rear brake balance valve lever thingy (nr rear beam) towards the rear of the vehicle , get my assistant to place pressure on brake pedal and turn ignition on as i open the rear bleed nipple to use accumulator pressure to bleed rear, then after a few seconds close bleed nipple , switch ignition off and release brake pedal. Did this and followed the instructions to a "T" but no fluid came out (well...only a dribble), so i checked to see if the pump was running when the ignition was switched on but i couldn't hear it and i noticed the light was on in the dash.........I'm 99% sure the light wasn't on before i started the b-bleeding procedure as i had the car started up and running as i'd just changed the oil/filter and wanted to check levels after warm up, i was sitting in the car when it was running so i would have noticed the ABS warning light. Got the glovebox/undertray all stripped out and located fuses (30amp) and both relays (79 + 179) , the fuses are fine but how do i check the relays? and what are the correct voltages at the multiplug for the ABS ECU so i can check this and possibly fault trace using a multimeter. The Mitchell service guide only shows a two row ecu connecter block and corresponding voltage checks but the one on the Corrado is a three row Connecter block so i dont really want to be sticking my multimeter in the corresponding pin holes in case the layout is different. If anyone can help with info relating to checks for the relays-voltage/resistance, and an ECU-voltage/resistance checklist for the ABS connector block i'd much appreciate it as this is the only thing stopping the car getting through it's MOT.
  7. stevemac : Cheers for the offer.......... but i went back to the dealer yesterday and got advice about the fit of the topmount from one of the technicians/mechanics rather than the guy who works in the parts dept and he assured me that the part i had was the correct upper spring seat and it's designed to be a "floating design on the shaft and is held in place by the bearing" , so i collected the spring seats and managed to get it all working - I'm a happy chappy now :D , took them a big box of M+S choccy bics for their tearoom as thanks and this will hopefully mean i can pop in any other time and get advice etc . When i bought the VR6 top mounts, (along with new springs/shocks+bumpstops allround, X-drilled discs/pads allround, engine/gearbox oil + oil filter , s-plugs, pipercross filter, fuel filter,both r-wheel bearings, 2 outer cv-boots, antifreeze + new bolts allround in brakes/suspension) i made a point of saying that i was doing a conversion from a 2.0 16v to VR6 top mounts and i need everything for the conversion....I was assured that i needed the bearing and rubber mount - nothing else!, HA!.......that was a joke, I ended up needing the springseat and the upper collar that sits inside the bonnet area as well. Only got one problem now...........The ABS light stays on and doesn't go out :( , i hope its just because i removed the hubs and disconnected the ABS connectors.....although i couldn't hear the ABS pump working when i switched on the ignition so knowing my luck i've prob buggered something up :cry: . It's been a freakin nightmare doing all the above work as the guy who had it before my brother did most of the work on it himself as he was a vw nut..........Just about every bolt/nut was knackered and the heads were rounded off/threads stripped, so i think his tool kit must have consisted of a 5lb lump hammer, chisel and a set of stilsens. The rear brake caliper carrier bolts were an arse!, so was the fuel filter clamp and the 4 nuts that held on the fuel pump assembly - nightmare :mad: . Thank god it's all done - best part of £500 spent (i bought the parts and will put it through it's mot as he's skint after buying the car) and god knows how many hours/days/nights crawling about outside my house , just got to get that ABS light thingy sorted, get it's mot and the camber/tracking done and i'll gladly hand it back to my brother. Why o' why did i train as a mechanic all them years ago? - i 've been out of the trade for 10 years but i still get asked to do all my family's cars......and friends.........and neighbours...........got to learn to say "Bugger-off" :lol: .
  8. Oops! - never thought it would be a totally different fit on the damper rod............is this right?............if so i'll have to crawl on all four's into the parts dept and hide my head.............God i feel like a plonker!......
  9. Hi peeps, had a lotta-lotta hassle trying to get VR6 topmounts sorted out for new suspension on a 2.0 16v 1993 Corrado. First of all i bought the VR6 rubber topmount and bearing thinking that this was all i need.....................Wrong! - i realised this as i tried to fit the 2.0 16v upperseat spring caps and the VR6 topmount together, The 2.0 16v spring cap seat is too deep/tall to allow the VR6 topmount and bearing to fit on the damper shaft so i trudged 30mile away to my VW dealer to get new VR6 spring seats but they didn't have any in stock (surprise#1) but could order them so i told them to get them in for me................6 days later i get a call saying my VR6 spring seat's are in so i trudged back to pick them up only to find out that they had ordered a totally different spring seat (surprise#2), apologies were accepted and the correct VR6 spring seat was duly ordered...................5 days later i get a call saying my spring seats are in stock, so i trudged 30mile yet again to pick them up (it'd be easier finding the holy grail i think) and this time i took my new shocks and springs and VR6 rubber topmounts with me to ensure that everything fitted together, the parts guy handed over the spring seats and things were looking good as they were definetly of a shallower design than the 2.0 16v items and i almost broke out in a smile, apart from the fact that as i placed them on the damper shaft i realised that the center locating hole in the spring seat was too large and it slipped all the way down the damper and rested at the bottom(surprise#3)..................Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! - Fu#k-Fu#k-Fu#kity-Fu#k!!! , there are two types of VR6 top seat and i've got the wrong ones - At this point i'm starting to lose the will to live and feel like curling up in the corner with a blanket over my head, the car has been up on axle stands outside my house since the 10 January and i really-really need it on the road..............the parts guy said that the other type of VR6 spring seat is on back order so he would try to find one at another VW dealers and he would call me later...............I got a call as i was driving home (in my new GT 11) but passed it over to voicemail - so i get home and retrieve my voicemail and it's the parts guy saying that there is only 1 VR6 spring seat in the country and they are waiting on more coming in from Germany ,he couldn't tell me when this would be and could i call him to discuss the options. I'm going to call him today (thursday) but will check on here first. Can anyone out there help? as i'm banging my head against a brick wall here (or i could bang it against a crippled corrado i suppose). Can anyone could find out the part number of the spring seat i need, so i know for definate that i'm after the right one as i don't really trust the VW parts dept anymore (although they are very nice and all that, i still wouldn't trust them to stack shelves in a supermarket).
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