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About yorksm33

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  1. hi, its time for my electrical nightmare to surface again, a few months ago i bought this corrado - mainly in boxes from someone who forgot how it all went back together! could someone find it in their hearts post a clear diagram , on msk.ru , either no speed sensor or digifant management. found one with cis-e jetronic (i believe its the one im on??) all was going well untill i got to fusebox, diagram=ce1 my car=ce2!! would aslo consider buying loom if anyboyys got one kicking about? forgot to mention.......the numpty cut the plugs to the fusebox off as it was tight pushing them past the brake servo!!! good job the brakes were ok.....hed' av cut the wheels off i think!! anyhelp gratefully received glenn (mainly yellow plugs im stumped om g1+g2)
  2. Please can somebody help me? I recently bought a 1.8 16v corrado 1991 but the previous owner had stripped out the wiring loom and didnt know how to put it back! I've sorted most of it but need some help with connections on the wiring loom, mainly the numerous sensors on the head. There are 3 single terminal sensors on the flywheel end with another just around the corner on the back, i've read somewhere that the sensor on the front of the oil filter housing is green/black but which wire goes to the rear? (0.3 bar oilpressure?) Amazingly the car still starts with ALL disconnected including all coloured multiplugs! For some unknown reason he'd also chopped the ends off some connectors namely the throttle position sensor and the connector at the rear of the gearbox(manual). I have the connectors (3 pin,one with 1 ridge , 1 with 2 ridges) confirmation of what colour wire goes where would help me greatly. Finally when the car is running nothing happens when the mfa button is pressed it just reads mfa2 all the time, is this due to all the wires not connected or could i have messed up putting fuse box back in? Or is anybody close to Doncaster that wouldnt object to me looking under their bonnet? Any help gratefully received.
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