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About pwj

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  1. pwj

    ball joints

    Hi guys, Although i have not actually run mine for any length of time I had to replace a ball joint just recently. Hardened posters will have seen my problems getting the darned thing to fit (had to call my retired engineer father all the way to scotland!) I presume that the camber angle is okay? i know that this can be affected if the ball joint on the bottom isn't correctly lined up. Incidentally many years both side of the counter in the motor trade taught me that the majority of parts whether pattern or OE spec can come from the same factory! Shocker I know!
  2. pwj

    Ball joint replacement

    Guys sorry for not getting back earlier but other matters had my attention for a while (IE can you fit a baby seat to a corrado? I now know how that james nesbit guy felt in the phone book ad ). Thanks for the input, I assume that I will have to disassemble the wishbone and put the ball joint into place first then manipulate everything into position around it? Thanks a lot guys guess that's what i will be doing this weekend if the weather holds up! :D :D
  3. Hi guys trying to get a very sick Corrado back on the road . Had to replace the Wishbone and ball joint on the offside but cannot get the ball joint to go back into the housing on the bottom of the hub! I have tried all that I know and persuaded my father to come out of retirement to help and we got no further! How can I get the darn thing back in? I have checked that I have the correct wishbone and ball joint and measured it all up but there just seems to be not enough give to get the thing back in it's almost as if it needs to go more to the centre of the car but we cannot move it any suggestions?
  4. pwj

    brake pipes

    Yeah will try that. Thanks. Typical of me that the ones on the rear are the ones I have to try and get off. Well looks like I am going to be at these brakes for a long while.
  5. pwj

    brake pipes

    Hi Gaz, thanks for the tip got some from Halfords believe it or not. Have the whole weekend to play with the dratted things. The stuff I got is manufactured by Loctite and it says on the tin the longer you leave it on the colder it gets so going to give that a try, god knows I have tried everything else and the kids around here have learnt some very interesting new words. Heres hoping that I have the beast of the blocks and back on the road soon as my wife's little rover is doing some serious damage to my street cred!
  6. pwj

    brake pipes

    Hi Chris, I have never had problems with the bleeding problem, but that was on non VW based cars. Bundy tubing is the more common name given to the steel tubing that is ordinarily used at point of manufacture. Again I have always used Copper or cupro-nickel piping and never had any problems. What Pipes did you have to replace? Just had to replace the steel (bundy) pipes on the front to rear on my motor but I am having a pig of a job getting the nuts out of the compensator at the rear as some animal has rounded them off. So if anyone else reads this any hints please! (Please don't suggest heat as I wouldn't want to aplying heat to something as volatile as brake fluid)
  7. pwj


    Hi guys, New to the forum so forgive my ignorance! :) I have inherited a '91 Corrado 16v, Not as sexy as G60 but good fun! My problem is i am having to do some major repairs to the car as i inherited it from a friend who was not mechanically minded. Consequently the poor wee beastie is in a bit of state and needs TLC. I am having problems with the brake lines, more to the point the flexible hose on the near side rear from the sway arm to the pressure valve and was hopng that someone might be able to tell me how to get at the thing without dropping most of the rear of the car? I would also like to know if anyone can tell me what size the tube nuts are across the flats as my spanners are either too big or too small. Any guidance would be appreciated! PWJ
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