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About chef

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  • Birthday 08/18/1973


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    have a wild guess!!
  1. chef

    Gaz suspension

    They were'nt that cheap to be honest,£400-ish as i remember,and only the fronts are adjustable platform on the 5 as it's a torsion bar set-up at the rear (ah yes!!!,the joys of rolling around for hours on yer back,beating siezed up torsion bars into submission!).They were also adjustable for both damping and rebound also.
  2. chef

    Gaz suspension

    I ran Gaz coilovers on my 5 turbo for 3 years,and they are a well made product,with excellent after sales service.....i bought them second hand,and they were leaking......some noddy had used mole-grips on the damper rod,presumably when either fitting or removing the top mounts,which of course did a fine job of wrecking the seals....but Gaz had no problems at all with fully re-conditioning them,for a very reasonable £30 a corner,with a turn-around of just over a week.....which i personally thought was very good! I'm currently running FK Koni's on the 'rado though.....and do feel they are a much better ride than the Gaz's......though it's hardly a fair comparison as they are such vastly different cars....but perhaps this offers some sort of insight into both the high quality of their products and service .....my opinion for what it's worth!! :wink:
  3. Double check the grommet round the cable for the bonnet release.......i had soaking drivers footwell till i discovered this little sucka was'nt quite sealed in properly underneath,allowed a surprising amount of water in when it banged it down!
  4. chef

    KR pulleys

    See what you mean....but can't be that.....the pulleys will only bolt on one way as the bolts are offset,the dimple actually sits in a slight elongation of one of the bolt holes,but the pulleys will only bolt on in one orientation out of the potential four,and i'm 100% it's right ....which is why it's got me puzzled!! .....can the pulleys warp?....and if so,is this so common that i've managed to find a KR lump that i took the replacement pulleys off with the same problem? ....just does'nt make sense.Can i swap to the 9a set-up?,sure i've read that it's possible,and if so what do i need?.....though to be honest if i found a 9a to rob the pulleys off,i reckon i'd be just putting the entire bottom end in! :wink:
  5. chef

    KR pulleys

    Hello people :) ....just a quickie,the crankshaft pulley's on my 16v seem to be out of true,ie off centre when looking from both above and side on,they've been off,cleaned and put back on twice now,and replaced with another set from a scrap KR,but to no avail.....can't get my head round it,if it was the crank that was out of line or bent then surely it'd knock like mad.....it does'nt!,and as the pulleys can only bolt on in one orientation that can't be wrong either. ...any suggestions??....is this common?,i've done a search....but can't find owt. ..all thoughts gratefully received :roll:
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