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About g60rado

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    Maine, USA
  1. i'm not sure if you live in the us or not, but we have a few small toys on ebay but im not sure if these are what you are looking for. Like the others said, there isn't many models of corrado, and the ones that do exist can get quite pricey! have a look here.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... tegory=223
  2. worst comes to worst, i just wont have a boost reading on my mfa if there is no vacuum plug, right?
  3. so, does anyone know if it will fit? I might just give it a go, and see what happens!
  4. i know, it sucks, but who uses the speedo anyway :twisted: anyway, iall the numbers are the same, im just wondering about the harness and because of the boost readings. It says it fits a 90-93 passat.
  5. the g60 in the states, or atleast all of the ones i have seen, have speedos of 140.
  6. well, here's how they look:
  7. do you have the g60 ones, or the ones from the passat? I'm just trying to see if the one if found will fit.
  8. Will a cluster from a 2.0L 16v Passat fit the g60. The clocks look the exact same, but i'm not sure how they hook up. I'm looking to replace my clocks and cant find one out of a g60.
  9. is it on the back of the mainfold pointing in towards the car, behind the throttle cable? That's the one i was turning.
  10. After removing my boost return piping and my isv, I cant get my g60 to idle without holding the gas pedal down. If i unlug the outlet where the isv was connected and put the isv back on (without plugging in the harness) it will start and idle fine. Where is the idle screw located exactly, i have an idea, but it doesnt seem to be doing anything. ANy ideas why it wont idle when the ISV outlet from the throttle body is plugged?
  11. nevermind, i found out that the belt was run through the pullies wrong, once i fixed it, it all worked like i thought it should!
  12. ok, maybe this will explain what i mean.... i'm trying to put this: back here: I know it connects to where the two arrows are, but how they connect and how i tighten the belt with it i cant figure out. Wish i had paid more attention to this part before i removed it! Thanks in advance!
  13. no, the belt tensioner that tightens the serpentine belt on the engine...cant seem to get it on right. It bolts onto the alternator and bolts onto the bracket on one of the idler pullies.
  14. Im just starting to put my corrado back together after rebuilding the charger, changing some gaskets and such. I just installed the charger and alternator and ran into a problem with the belt tensioner. I can't figure out which bolts go where and how they are setup to fit on correctly. If anyone has any info, or better yet, a picture of there tensioner, it would be a great help! It's the last step to get my C running again!
  15. ok sounds good, i'll give it a whirl and see how it goes!
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