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1st rado for me

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About 1st rado for me

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  1. it is a 1.8 16v number 3 cylinder too did you have any problems afterwards? I can't understand what would cause this?I was actually driving slowly traffic was busy I had given it a blast on the motorway for about an hour a couple of hours beforehand. This engine was running fine I would have thought if the plug had worked loose it would have stutered abit? No dent fortunately
  2. Hi Guy's Today I noticed a slight knocking noise coming from the engine, then wehn moving off from standing still a mighty banging noise came from the engine. Upon opening the bonnet I could see that one off the ht leads was about an inch out of the hole. When I removed it to look the spark plug was stuck in the end. I can't manage to find my spark plug socket so can't try replacing it until tomorrow. I know that the plugs were tightened correctly when I changed them about 8 months ago and never heard of a spark plug working loose, could something more major cause a plug to be pushed from it's hole? The thread on the plug was fine but I could not see in the hole clearly enough to notice any damage. I managed to get the car home the couple of hundred yards on three cylinders. Don't you just hate it when you have trouble so close to home.
  3. thanks so 16vt is the way to go I pressume this will be easier than a 1.8t transplant.
  4. hi gazza so probably best to rob parts from the engine can I use the block?
  5. thanks for the comments guys , I am now changing my thoughts as I do'nt think I have enough time, I may have laid my hands on a s2 coupe engine anyone done this before? Any thoughts on conversion would be great
  6. Guys I have been thinking and may have got my hands on a engine from a s2 coupe any thoughts on this? I presume it will fit in the engine bay ok what bearbox can I use? Any thoughts on this conversion would be great.
  7. what about mounting it in the rear of the car Clio v6 stlye and running it rwd I pressume that would make it easier. I want some thing that is powerful and different.
  8. Hi guys I am looking into the possibilty of fitting a 2.7 bi turbo engine from a audi 24 into my C. I know the main problems will be wiring and probably driveshafts has any one done this before? Any ideas would be welcome.
  9. Hi Guys I have a problem with my power steering, sometimes when I turn either way during the turn lose power steering then it comes back. Fluid is full I know the the rack is worn and will need replacing sooner or later but I was hoping to change at the same time as suspension and wishbones etc. Any ideas to what the problem is? Could it be the pump? cheers sorry poseted in wrong section, how can I move this?
  10. so to be stupid what is the oil bomb?
  11. HI Guys Suddenly I have started to get my oil warning light flash up , it is not all the time but more when under heavy load. I have checked oil level which seams to be fine. I do have a leak in my radiator could this be affecting the oil pressure? Any ideas where to start would be greatly recieved. I did not really want to start rebuild on the engine just yet I was looking at replacing every componant of my suspension first. Cheers
  12. I ment more along the lines of asking for the right part.
  13. What would also help is has anyone got a EPC for the corrado make my life a lot easier when trying to order new parts.
  14. anyone got one of these wheels lying around?
  15. anyone got one of these wheels lying around?
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